Good Morning Class Rufford. I hope you all had a great weekend. It was lovely to see some of you on Friday's Zoom call. This week I will be hosting the call so you will have to be patient with me.
I finally finished the Ball Challenge video so those of you that took part, ask your parents to check Parent Mail for the link. I think it looks great. If you have any ideas for another challenge we can do, let me know.
This is the last week of the half term so I hope you have been practising your stat spellings. Practise them every day this week and get someone to test you on Friday.
Mrs Baker and Miss Clark will continue to set some of your tasks this week and I will be setting some too. Frankie takes up a lot of time so I'm glad I have my friends to help me.
Today's tasks are:
Task 1 - English - Miss Clark will add your next task. I think you are continuing with Fantastic Mr Fox. What a fab book.
Hello Rufford, Miss Clark here. It would appear that there is a bit of a fox theme to today's learning. The powerpoint with today's task is at the bottom, below the optional task you have been set. I'm asking you to think about what might happen next in our story - but it's your artistic skills I need today!
Task 2 - Maths - Morning Rufford, Mrs Baker here. Well done for completing the fractions learning so far and remember, if you missed a day, do that instead of today's because you need to do it in order to understand it.
Try out the 8x table song with Filbert Fox
Join in with the lesson on comparing unit and non- unit fractions. Remember to ask an adult to sit with you if they can to help you understand.
Task 3 - It's MoneySense Monday. At 10am there will be a live lesson lesson on YouTube for you to take part in. You can find it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXMAL-MUwWg
Optional Task -
Good morning Class Rufford. I hope you are all well. Well done to Ryder, Abbie and Archie for taking the top three TT Rockstar places this week. Have you seen the world record information on our home page? It would be amazing if we had a record breaker at All Hallows.
Today's tasks:
Task 1 - In today's English we're going to find out if the foxes manage to get away from the farmers. As you read the story pay careful attention to the speech between the characters as your task is all about this. The resources are underneath the Optional Task.
Task 2 - In maths today, play 'Hit the Button'- once in, click 'Times Tables' and then 'x8'.
Now let's learn about tenths by watching a lesson video.
Click on 'Summer Term- week 5 wc 18th May'-https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-3/
The lesson should look like this:
Now, complete the questions below. You can print them off or just look at the pictures below and write your answers on paper.
See the end of the page for PDF questions (if you would like to print) and answers to questions.
Task 3 - It's Mental Health Awareness Week. We have talked about mental health lots at school. It is about keeping your mind happy and content. So today's task is linked to this. The website link I am giving you is called the Girl's Friendly Society but it is definitely friendly to boys too :-) Have a go at creating the Jar of Smiles https://activities.girlsfriendlysociety.org.uk/a-jar-of-smiles/
Optional Task -
I'll give you the answers tomorrow.
Have a terrific Tuesday :-)
Hi Rufford. Happy Wednesday. Did you make your Jar of Smiles yesterday? I have put a new challenge on the Rufford home page linked to Mental Health Awareness Week. Look for the flower, underneath the crayons. You might want to pick the activities you like best or do them all. You could do them over half term, if you want to.
Speaking of challenges … can you all tie your shoe laces and tell the time now? I hope so :-) Maybe, I'll ask you on Zoom later. I'm really looking forward to catching up with you all.
Todays tasks:
Task 1 - English. It was lovely to work with both Jamie and Harrison in school on their English yesterday. They both did a great job of finding the speech in the text...the farmers aren't very polite are they? They also said they were really enjoying reading the story too, so I hope you are getting as many giggles as I heard from Harrison as he was reading yesterday.
Your Powerpoint for today is at the bottom of the page, underneath the optional tasks. I have included answers on some of the slides so don't move on until you have completed the tasks.
Task 2 - Log on to Education City and visit the 'Rufford 8x table' city. Practice singing the song and play the game before the main part of our maths lesson.
Click the White Rose link below then Click on Summer Term- week 5- wc 18th May
The video lesson you're taking part in today should look like this:
Now complete the questions on the PDF below (end of Wednesday section). No need to print if you don't want to, just write down the answers in your book. The answers are below too.
Task 3 - This is the next geography lesson on maps https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zr7j7nb. We did the first two lessons in weeks 3 and 5. If you didn't do them, you might want to go back to them. These are the links:
Optional Task -
The answers for yesterday's Optional Task are:
Hi Class Rufford. It was amazing to see so many of you on Zoom yesterday. I hope you all enjoyed your paddling pools in the afternoon. Just a couple of days left until half term. Make sure you have a last practise of your stat spellings today.
Task 1 - Maths today- Log on to Education City and play one of the games in the 'Rufford 3 x table' city.
Join in with the lesson on finding fractions of quantities (adults- the learning on fractions is getting more difficult now so the children really need to secure their use of bar modelling in order to answer these questions. If you are able to sit with your child whilst they watch the video and encourage them to draw their own bar models -as it demonstrates- that would be great)
Task 2 - Ready to find out how Mr Fox and the little foxes got on? Head to the bottom of the page for your next instalment.
Task 3 - Time for some music. As I've said before, these lessons are quite long so if you just want to do some of it, that's fine. Enjoy :-) https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/foundation/sing-a-major-scale-year-3-wk3-5#slide-2
Optional Task -
Good morning and happy Friday Class Rufford. Can you believe we're at the end of another half term? I can't!!!
So today is stat spelling test day. If you're really eager, you could get someone to test you on all five sets. I wonder if anyone will get them all right.
There won't be any learning set for next week, as it's half term, so make sure you enjoy the sunshine and complete the Kind To yourself Challenge, if you want to. You have access to Ed City until the end of May, so make the most of the games on there while you have them. Remember I put some science ones on for you, as well as the English and maths games. Plus, I know that Mrs Baker has added quite a few more.
Today's tasks:
Task 1- Education City- play a different game or learn the song in the 'Rufford 3 x table' city.
Main maths- take part in the lesson on comparing fractions with the same denominators (adults- at 5 mins 32 seconds through the video, two of the diagrams (D and F) are partly missing from the teacher’s slide- please ignore these two).
Thank you for completing my maths tasks Rufford- have a great half term and take care.
Mrs Baker xx
Task 2 - Your final English lesson from me can be found right at the bottom of the page. I hope you've enjoyed what we have done together. If the link in the Powerpoint doesn't work for you then use this one here....just don't click it until you know what it's for. Have a great half term. Miss Clark x
Task 3 - I was thinking about when we learned about the life cycle of a plant and how tricky it was to remember all the different parts. This lesson will give you a really good recap.
Optional Task -
Have a great half term everyone :-) xxx