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Monday 11th May 2020

Monday 11th May 2020


Good morning all and I hope you enjoyed an extended weekend. Thank you for all of the learning, pictures and other activities you completed last week - you are being super busy. 


All of the Maths for this week is at the top of the previous page (White Rose Maths have changed how I can access the resources so I can now upload the whole week, apart from the Friday Maths Challenge, in one go)


A quick reminder for those who would like to, we have a Pokemon themed Zoom meeting today at 12:10.

Spellings - I uploaded these to last week's Friday (V.E. Day) section but if you missed them here they are again.


Spellings for the week: Prefixes 'tele' and 'multi'













Today, I would like you to write 10 sentences incorporating each of the spellings. Try and include different ways to open each sentence and maybe use inverted commas to show speech in some too.



English - Persuasion (Adverts) This week we are going to focus on the power of advertising i.e. how adverts are written in a very specific way to persuade the reader. We are going to learn these skills and by the end of the week put them into practise. I would like you to navigate through the ppt of pdf downloadable file to begin to understand how adverts work.



Adverts are everywhere, you can find them in magazines and newspapers,  on the television and radio, scattered across the internet, etc. I would like you to spend some time finding and collating a range of adverts. After collating them, can you identify their similarities and differences? 
Maths - See link at the top of the previous page.
Science - Today in science you are going to learn a little more about the group of animals known as invertebrates - this will include you going outside, looking in specific places and observing carefully a range of these animals. Start of by navigating through either the ppt or pdf files (they contain the same information). Below these files are four others required for your activities - I hope you enjoy.