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Home Learning Week 6

Story Map - The Gruffalo

Welcome to Week 6 Home Learning

We hope you had a great Bank holiday weekend and enjoyed celebrating V.E. day.


Mr Graham sent out a song last week (via Parentmail) that he would like us to learn. It’s called ‘Looking to the Rainbow.’ If you scroll down the page of the link below, you can download a PDF version of the lyrics and the backing track to practice with. He would like us all to sing it at the same time on 20th May- details will follow. 


Wow it's Friday already. Thank you for completing another week of Home Learning. Keep staying safe and well.


Log into phonics  (March20  Home)  Click resources, Phase five and scroll down to the game 'Cheeky Chimps' Choose the y grapheme and play the game with your child. 


Continue supporting your child to write their 'Queen's Corgi's' story using their story map. Remember you might need to scribe some ideas for your child. 



Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Lesson 4 - Add more and count on within 20.

Listen to the lesson and do the activity sheet.

There is no need to print the sheet just draw or write your answers in your home learning book.


You might also like to watch the Friday challenge and make a butterfly pizza. 

This is very similar to Ready,Steady Bake on Monday so no need to do it again unless you want to.





Log onto bbcbitesize  religious education. Click on Christianity and find the story

"God's gifts to people"

Watch the animation, then draw a picture of something that happened in the story. Then write a sentence to match your picture.     


Happy Thursday


Test your child on the spellings: Funny, dizzy,baby, happy, berry and lightly. 


Begin to write a story 'The Queen's Corgi's ' using the story plan. Does the story have a beginning, middle and end? You might want to support your child by scribing all or some of their ideas. 



Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Lesson 3 - Add together and find a part

Listen to the lesson and complete the activity sheet.

There is no need to print the sheet just write the answers to the questions in your home learning book.



Education City - Subjects - Science - KS1 - Year 1 Activities

Pick a Tomato

Work through the activity.

Can you find edible parts of plants to eat? 

e.g. root - carrots, leaves- lettuce, fruit- blueberries




Welcome to Wednesday's Home Learning!


Sing the tricky word song again. Ask your child to rainbow write (trace over in different colours) some the words they find difficult to spell. 

Dictate the sentences :The funny baby ate a berry.    I feel happy when I am dizzy.   Look at handwriting, spelling and punctuation together after your child has had a go themselves. 


Create a new character that could be in your story  'The Queen's Corgi's' Draw a picture and label your picture with adjectives. (Describing words) 


Continue creating your Buckingham Palace model. 

Maths learning/year-1


Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May)


Lesson 2 - Fact Families - Linking addition and subtraction (1)

Listen to the lesson and complete the activity sheet. There is no need to print the sheet just write the answers in your home learning book. 

 Write 3 more bar models or ask a parent to give you two numbers within 20.

Then write all the facts for each family.   


Happy Tuesday


Click on the link above to join in with the tricky word song.

Dictate the words : funny, dizzy, berry, happy , baby and lightly. Ask your child to segemnt to spell the words. Can they add sausage and peas? Dot (pea) the single grapheme and line (sausage) the digraph or trigraph. 


Using the trailer you watched yesterday create a story map. You can adapt the story using ideas from the trailer or if your child has seen the film use ideas from the film. Click on the story map link to show an example of what a story map looks like. This is for the story the Gruffalo. 


Scroll down and click on Year 1. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on

Summer Term - Week 3 (w/c 4th May)

Lesson 1 - Part, whole relationship number bonds

Listen to the lesson and write the answers to the questions on the activity sheet in your home learning book. If you can print question 4 to colour all the number bonds to 20 that's great but don't worry if you can't. 

Can you make your own puzzle to make a pattern of number bonds to 20? 


Use your plan from yesterday to start creating your model Buckingham Palace. 





google y making ee Mr Thorne and watch the video together. Make a list of the words in the video. Ask your child to make sentences with these words. 

Click on the link above and watch the trailer for the film 'The Queen's corgi' Rex is the main character. Talk to your child about what they found out about the story from watching this trailer. Who is Rex? What is he trying to do? Do you think he will succeed? Why? Ask your child to write a few sentences to describe Rex's character from watching the trailer. 


Log into Education City

Subjects - Mathematics - KS1 Year 1 - Activities - Fractions.

Share It Out - Find a quarter of a quantity

Do the activity and complete the activity sheet. 

Practice sharing different amounts out into quarters.


Ready, Steady Bake - Fractions of 2 or 4

Do the activity and complete the activity sheet.

Can you design your own pizza putting different toppings on each quarter? 

Maybe you can make a real pizza using your design!



Look at photos and pictures of Buckingham palace using the internet, photos or books. Over the next few days we would like you to construct your own Buckingham palace using anything you have around the home. (E.g toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, paint, pens, paper,yoghurt pots ...) 

Today create a plan by drawing and labeling your design. 
