All Hallows CE Primary School
Priory Road
School hours 8.50am - 3.20pm
(32.5 hours per week, including lunchtime and breaks)
Head Teacher: Heather Gabb
For information and any other queries, contact the school's business manager (Claire Grainge) on the following number:
Telephone: 0115 9568277
You can also email us at:
If you require a paper copy of any information from the website, please contact the school office who will provide this free of charge.
The SENCo (Special Needs Coordinator) for the school is:
Nicola Gillett.
You can contact the SENCo via the school office or email direct to:
If you have a complaint related to school please feel free to contact either the Head Teacher or one of our Governors: Sarah Lee or Aisling Walters (Joint Chairs)