We wanted to give you a place to come for additional support/resources/info over the coming weeks; to help you and your children during this difficult time. Some of the links below are specific to certain areas of need/difficulties, whilst others are more general and could be useful to everyone.
Please feel free to browse through the information below and use whatever you find helpful. Remember to keep checking the class pages too as these will be updated daily during term time.
This page will be updated weekly with links to any new resources that I find.
Miss Clark
Health and wellbeingYoung Minds - support for young people
Childen and Adolescent Mental Health ServiceInformation for young children
Children and Adolescent Mental Health ServicesInformation for parents and carers
MindEdOnline support for families
NSPCCAdvice and support for parents carers and young children
Twinkl Wellbeing SupportA range of resources to support wellbeing
https://www.turning-point.co.uk/services/nottingham-helpline Local support service team
ChatterpackResources for home learning
Notts Health CareA series of videos of familiar songs and rhymes to encourage speech and language development in young children.
FlipsnackSocial story for children to help them understand about the Coronavirus