Friday 5th June
Happy Friday everyone! First of all, here are your spellings for the week. We have covered all the Year 5 spelling patterns, so we are going to recap some patterns from previous year groups that you guys commonly misspell (in assessments or your writing).
The pattern is the prefix DIS. Do you know what affect adding this prefix has on the root word? What is the difference between honest and dishonest? Why has dissolve got a double 's'?
English: Complete or redraft your Pandora creature description. Here is a checklist you could use:
Maths: Try these Friday maths challenges - they get progressively harder:
Design & Technology: Learn about the basics of mechanical systems with this BBC lesson:
PSHE: Today is World Environment Day. This website gives you seven eco-friendly ideas for activities that you can do. Give one of them a try.
This week's Premier League challenge:
Thursday 4th June
Let's see what some of you guys have been up to recently:
Abbie camped out in the garden and got 5/5 in the history quiz.
Anna also got full marks in the quiz.
Esme was chosen as hardest worker in her gymnastics class.
Alfie was busy with walks, water fights, baking and Cluedo.
Riley went for a 10 mile walk and is having guitar lesson via video call.
Blake has been keeping up with the home learning, as well as his daily exercise regime.
Freya made apple tarts.
Abigail made banana bread and has got into Art Ninja on CBBC.
Reuben is doing lots of cooking, including chapatis.
Ellie has been doing finger painting.
And Oscar got to do what we didn't - go to Hathersage:
English: Today, you are going to use your notes to create a draft creature description.
It is important that you don’t just copy out your notes – good Year 5 writers expand on their ideas, and change things if they feel they don’t quite work or they think of something better.
Take a look at mine – I have expanded on my notes, but also changed some things slightly. I also used a thesaurus for more exciting vocab (diminutive, picturesque, serenely, etc).
If you are typing yours, highlight the word you want to change then right click. Choose synonym and it will list some alternative words for you.
Maths: Start with these Countdowns.The second one took me a while but I got it eventually:
Then have a go at these four fraction, decimal and percentage challenges. They get progressively harder.
Science: Recap life cycles with this BBC lesson. You don't have to do Activity 3.
Tuesday 2nd June
Good morning! The eagle-eyed amongst you may have spotted a new PANDORA link on our class page. This is where I am going to put all of this week's English learning, including any photos you send me. Be sure to check it out to see some of the creatures you are creating.
Remember that there will be no daily activities on this page tomorrow. Head over to the Well-being Wednesday section (Class Pages menu) for your activities instead. Don't forget that there are lots of other things you can do IF you want to: reading, stat spellings, times tables, instant recall facts, etc.
Did you watch Newsround yesterday? It talked a lot about more pupils coming to school and what classrooms now look like. Our classroom looks VERY different, and from Thursday it will be used by one of the Year 6 hubs that have been set up.
Newsround also talked about some protests that are happening in America, and now over here in the UK. If you want to find out more about what they are about, there is a child-friendly version here:
Esme's mum also sent me this rather apt poem that she would like me to share:
English: Hopefully, you have come up with your own creature on Pandora. Today, I want you to make some notes about it. Tell us things such as what it looks like, where it lives, how it lives, what it eats, what’s special about it.
Use some vocabulary relevant to Pandora – watch the video again and record any words you could use in your notes. Here are my notes for the Snakor (the vocab I magpied from the video is highlighted red):
Maths: Start with these two Flashback 4s:
Geography: Learn about fossil fuels and renewable energy with this BBC lesson:
Monday 1st June
Welcome back! I hope you all had a relaxing half term and enjoyed the lovely weather that we had. It was Millie's birthday just before the break - happy belated birthday Millie!
I am in school today so there may be some delays in me reading your emails. Please keep me updated and sending your photos through as I love hearing what you guys have been up to.
English: Watch this video:
You may wish to watch it more than once. Pay particular attention to the creatures on Pandora. Over the week, you are going to create your own creature that lives on Pandora, and write a detailed description about it. Today, I want you to design and draw it. Take your time with your drawing, it doesn’t have to be finished today. Many of the creatures on Pandora are similar to (or a mixture of) existing creatures. Look at the Pandora Creatures document – it shows you the main animals on Pandora as well as my own creation: The deadly ‘Snakor’ |
Maths: Back to the White Rose today
It is WEEK 2 LESSON 4 Percentages as Fractions & Decimals:
History: The most recent history podcast is about Florence Nightingale. However, they add a new one every Monday so when you check the website, there may be a new one uploaded: