Good morning Class Sherwood. I can't quite believe that today marks the end of the seventh week of home learning. You have all continued to amaze me with your positivity, resilience and growth mindsets. For those of you who are joining Mrs. Somerville and Mrs. Hollingworth today for your Zoom Quiz I hope you enjoy it. Finally, you are all absolute super stars and deserve a restful half term break.
I have uploaded next half term's KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) for Maths and Statutory Spellings which are found below. Please spend a little time this morning getting to know these new targets.
English - Today in English we have a focus of similes and metaphors via the BBC learning link below. These two writing tools are such a powerful descriptive device for poetry and descriptive writing.
Maths - Today is Friday which means it is the Friday Math's Challenge. Please see the previous page for the link to the challenge.
Music - Please use your logins to the Yumu section on Charanga and explore another Beatles song (Black-bird Step 4). This time you will listen and appraise 'Can't buy me love.' See what you think to this classic Beatles song.