Good morning guys - there is no zoom today, but if you need help with anything just email me or @ me on Teams.
We got our first Get Epic badge! Remember our class code is xip4952
VIPERS: There is a reading text on Teams for you to have a go at called Letter Home.
Maths: Start with this Flashback 4:
Then have a go at as many challenges as you can for Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number. Some of the challenges are quite tricky!
English: Today we are looking at captions. We are going to have a bit of fun with it. Look at the powerpoint/pdf in ASSIGNMENTS and come up with some funny captions for the animal photos.
I have done the first two - remember to punctuate your direct speech correctly.
Science: Our last forces lesson is all about Friction. You can listen to this lesson on Teams:
Frustratingly, the sound of the clips being played in the video aren't very good, so you may want to watch them on these links instead:
Video 1: