Friday 27th March 2020
Friday mornings at school usually means three things:
Library card check for your four reads (I'm sure you have all been reading lots).
Spelling Test and new spellings (You could email me your spelling scores out of nine)
- new spelling list further down the page.
And of course Pokémon day – you gotta catch them all (apparently).
I have linked to a range of different Pokémon themed craft ideas for today plus some other links too. Have a restful weekend.
Reading : Thursday – Mythical stories (three slightly different texts - progressively more challenging)
Maths : Wednesday – Multiplication and Division (choose any 8 cards to solve)
Science : Wednesday – Digestive system Investigation (could get messy)
Check out these Pokémon craft ideas – I hope there are some you like
New Spellings for the coming week:
Thursday 26th March 2020
Good morning all. I hope you didn’t make too much mess creating your wonderful family trees yesterday. Take a look at the links below.
Reading: Wednesday – British Science Week (three slightly different texts - progressively more challenging)
Writing/SPaG: Wednesday – BBC 500 words (choose any four cards)
Useful Interactive Go! Games – Multiplication tables check (even though the test has been cancelled it is still a very important skill)
Paper bracelets This one looks a bit tricky but I know you can do it – perseverance needed. Please send me some pics to add to the class page.
Wednesday 25th March 2020
Thanks for checking back in. What was your highest score on the paper plane game? I hope you enjoy the new activities.
Reading: Tuesday – Inference
Writing: Not Twinkl link – Use link to BBC iPlayer on our class page to research and then write an explanatory text of your choice.
Maths: Tuesday – Addition and subtraction
Create your own family tree. Draw the outline of a tree. Then thumbprint leaves over the top. Finally, write on the names.
Remember to send me some photographs of what you are getting up to and I can put them on this page.
Tuesday 24th March 2020
I know you are all looking after each other and enjoyed yesterday’s activities. Take a look below for todays. Use the interactive links on Twinkl (
Reading: Monday – Read my picture
Useful Interactive Go! Games – Arithmagic
Writing/SPaG : Friday – Fix the sentence
Paper plane game
Monday 23rd March 2020
Good Morning Sherwood. I hope that you are all well, taking care of each other and are looking forward to some activities.
Use the interactive links on Twinkl ( to find the first three activities. For the fourth activity follow the specific link.
Writing/SPaG: Tuesday – Expanded noun phrases
Maths: Monday – Number and Place Value Challenge Cards
Science: Monday and Tuesday – All about teeth and their function/Teeth and Eating
Tissue box monsters
Friday 20th March 2020
I have sent home a book with several different tasks inserted. Please use these tasks as and when required and feel free to use the book to record any learning.
There is a list, created by the class, on the inside cover which they can work through if they are getting a little restless. In addition to this, there are a range of web links in the section further down the page called : Useful Links. All of these links are associated with our current learning.
I would love to see what you have been up to, so e-mail any photographs you would like to share. I can (with your permission) share some of your creations and learning on the school web site for your friends to see.
Spelling list for the coming week (please find these words in a dictionary to ensure you understand their meaning and can use them appropriately in a verbal/written sentence)
Spelled ‘cc’ – sounds like /ks/