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Welcome to our Governors page. We are a dedicated and enthusiastic group of volunteers who are committed to supporting and challenging the school, in order to ensure that all of our children receive the best possible learning experience. We are all very proud of our children and staff, and recognise their incredible work. No matter how amazing a school is, there are always development areas, and it is our role to ensure that our School Improvement Plan represents these areas, and that we continue to move forward.


Our governing body consists of a combination of parent governors, staff governors, foundation governors, authority governors and co-opted governors:


Parent governors - Jemma Baldry, Tim Hopkins, Emily Roberts

Foundation governors - Margaret Hicking, Steve Lincoln, Julia Seddon 

Staff governors - Heather Gabb (Headteacher), Elizabeth Somerville

Local Authority governors - Leahanne Richards

Co-opted governors -  Jo Dagnall, Sarah Lee (Joint Chair), Dave Maddison, Graham Thompson, Aisling Walters (Joint Chair), 1 Vacancy


As a small governing body, the decision has been taken to opt out of publishing diversity data to ensure the board members' anonymity.


The full governing body meets once a term. The agenda and minutes of the meetings are available in the school foyer. There are currently two sub committees (Education, Welfare and Personnel committee and Finance and General Purposes committee) which also meet once a term.
