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Home Learning Week 4

Friday 1st May


Happy May Day! As today is Friday, you will need to test yourselves on your spellings.


English: Today's BBC lesson is based on The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan O'Dowd. You will learn about selecting key pieces of information from a text and evaluating the text while giving a personal opinion. There are 2 videos of Oti Mabuse reading extracts from the book, along with some questions to answer.


Maths: How are you getting on with the White Rose? Me, Storm and Reuben in Year 6 did the thousandths lesson together yesterday. Although the video wasn't exactly entertaining, we got on really well with the questions. If we were all in school, we would be using the equipment that they use, such as the Base 10 and place value coins. We found using a place value grid/chart helped us a lot.

Moving forward, I think we will do one week of White Rose, one week of other maths, so that we don't get too bored with them.

Today's lesson is WEEK 1 LESSON 5 Thousandths as decimals.


Music: During home learning week 2, there was a music live lesson all about rhythm, melody and dynamics.

This lesson looks at duration and tempo (featuring Beethoven):


This week's Premier League Challenge:





Thursday 30th April


Today is Thursday, the third day of the week apparently:


Still image for this video


Here are the answers to the Emoji quiz. How did you do?




Freya made this Shakespeare powerpoint, in which she wrote a different type of poem for each Shakespeare play. It's very clever:


Noah T has done a picture of a camellia in his garden; Reuben got 5 out of 5 on the history quiz, and has been watching One Strange Rock on Disney+; Imogen heated up some salt and sugar to see what would happen; and Storm has a new addition to the family:



Just to let you know, I am in school today and tomorrow, so it may take me longer to reply to your emails.



English: There are 4 spellzone games to play, all based on our 'tion' pattern:


Maths: WEEK 1 LESSON 4 Understanding Thousandths

The last few maths lessons have been recapping tenths and hundredths, and looking at how you can convert them between fractions and decimals. Today you will be introduced to thousandths.

One of the questions (2a) asks you to represent a number using base 10. You are unlikely to have this at home so you may want to partition the number instead.


Computing: You have two options to practise some coding. First of all, you have all been set up on Education City and I have assigned you some computing tasks. Click on the link below and follow these instructions:



Click on your name

Click Log In


Choose an assignment


Lots of companies are making their resources free while schools are closed. Another good one is Tynker, which is a coding website

You will need your parents to help you set up a free account. You select your interests from a range of topics (including Minecraft, game design, art, animation) and you will then have access to some coding activities based on these.



Wednesday 29th April


Good morning! It's hump day and I'm hoping for better weather than yesterday. I've been doing quite a few quizzes recently and the emoji round seems to be popular, so I thought I would see how you guys do with this film one. No cheating and I'll give you a virtual pat on the back if you get them all:




Abdussaboor's family made this for us heart:




Remember to check out your pictures on the home page and in the art gallery. Abigail has been practising her spellings on a chalk board, and her tadpoles are getting really big; Evelyn loved exploring the garden for her beautiful painting; Maisie has been planting beans, watching films with her sister and playing with her Toy Story characters; Blake's been doing really well with his learning and got 5 out of 5 again on the history quiz; Imogen has been learning about muscles and skeletons; Travis drew an apple blossom inspired by a tree in his garden, and he also helped his dad paint the garden bench; Freya took part in the Premier League sock throwing challenge; and last but not least, Ellie celebrated her 10th birthday! Happy birthday from all of us!




English: It's VIPER time! Here are two famous poems re-written as narratives. You will recognise The Highwayman, but The Raven may be unfamiliar to you, so watch this Simpsons clip first:


There are some VIPERS questions for you to have a go at after you have read each one.

Answers are included:


Maths: Today is WEEK 1 LESSON 3 Decimals as fractions again. You will need to watch the video and pause it at different points to answer the questions. I have included a place value grid for you if you need some help with this.


Science: Today's BBC science lesson is all about mixing, dissolving and separation:


In all honesty, we have covered this and done the experiments in school, so you may want to try this Solar System lesson instead:



Tuesday 28th April 

I was so impressed with your flower art that I have put some of the pictures here as well as in the art gallery. I know some of you haven't finished it yet so be sure to send me some photos when you have done.


English: How did you get on with punctuating the direct speech? The trick is to remember those rules for when you come to include it in your writing, as we often forget. We also forget some other punctuation: apostrophes. Have a go at today's BBC lesson, then I'll give you a break from SPAG wink


Maths: Today you are doing WEEK 1 LESSON 2 Decimals as fractions. Again, the questions and answers are on the site but I have included them here for you as well.


History: I know many of you enjoyed the history podcast on The Restoration. It was great finding out about what happened after the Civil Wars - and I found it very funny!

This week's is also about something that we have learned about in school this year - The Space Race.

Listen out for what the monkeys did with the poo!!!

Again, I got 5 out of 5 on the quiz at the end. cheeky


Also, The National Civil War Museum have released loads of resources, including games, crafts and stories:



Monday 27th April


It was great to see you all on Friday – how amazing that all 31 of us were on the same Zoom call!  I loved hearing some of the things that you have been doing.

It was also great having a button which could mute you all – I need one of them for the classroom wink


Well done for your amazing Shakespeare learning – I have put all that I can on the Shakespeare page, but some of your videos are just too large for our little website to handle. Sorry about that sad


First things first, here are this week's spellings. The pattern is 'tion' which sounds like /shun/



English: Punctuating direct speech is something that – as a class – we struggle with. There is a lot to remember and a lot of rules to follow. Luckily, today’s Year 5 BBC lesson recaps this all for us.

Watch the clips, read the rules and have a go at the activities:


Maths: We are going to start using the White Rose maths lessons. You may not have realised, but we use White Rose in school a lot – many of the extra challenges are theirs. The other classes have started using them at home and the feedback has been really good.

We will start at Week 1 Lesson 1Decimals up to 2 decimal places – which will recap some of your Year 4 learning:


Use this link to access it:

You may want to bookmark this link, as you will be using it every day.

There is a video to watch, which you can pause and re-watch as much as you like. You will then have some questions to answer. These are included on the site but I have also put them here, along with the answers:


Art: Spring is here and the lovely recent weather has meant many flowers are in full bloom. Choose a flower and create a piece of art. You could produce a sketch, a painting, a collage – it is entirely up to you. 

Remember to send me a picture of your completed piece so I can add it to our art gallery:


RE: Abdussaboor told us on Friday that he was preparing for Ramadan. You can learn a little more about it by watching this video:
