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Welcome to Class Newstead 2023-2024




Adults that support our learning: Mrs Goodwin, Mr Higgins and Mrs Davey.

Please remember to bring your water bottle to school every day.


Please bring you reading folder everyday.  Homework will be given out weekly. 


PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on those days.  


Our weekly celebration assemblies will be on Friday at 2.45. 


School Parliament Representatives are: Polly and Samuel.


Our PTA Representative is: Alanni


Our Enviromental Officers are: Joseph and Harper  

To complement our Science work related to 'Plants' we visited Field Farm.  We enjoyed gathering vegetables, identifying plants and the age of trees, making an Elderflower drink and using flowers to design our own pencil cases. 

As part of our locality work in Geography, we walked around Gedling and visited Gedling House Woods.  

We followed a map, identified human and physical features and looked for signs of Spring. 

As part of our Science work, we have visited White Post Farm to learn more about the classification of animals and to find out what different animals eat.

We wore yellow to celebrate World Mental Health Day.

'Toy day' linked to our History topic.

During our History sessions we have been researching how toys have changed over the years and discussing the different types of toys that children play with at certain ages.  We brought our toys in to share with the class and compared the different sizes, materials, moving parts and noises that they make.  The Batman toy had a lot to say! 
