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Welcome to Class Newstead 2024-2025




Newstead's class teachers are Mrs Goodwin and Mr Higgins.

Please remember to bring your water bottle to school every day.


Please bring you reading folder everyday.


PE is on Monday and Tuesday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on those days.  


Our weekly celebration assemblies will be on Friday at 2.45. 


Our School Parliament Representatives are: Sam and Vienna. 


Our Enviromental Officers are: Logan, Billy and Amayah.


Our Sports and Play Leaders are: Noah B and Naya  


Our PTA Representative is: Livia

Celebrating our Culture Day 😊 We enjoyed hearing about each other’s cultures and eating Mrs Davis’ Polish treats.

As part of our History topic, Pauline (an 89 year old) visited us to tell us about her toys from her childhood. She brought in her 85 year old doll.

Our History topic is Toys. We have been looking at toys from the past. We have thought about the materials that they are made from and how to play with them.
