Number bonds games: Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Ten Frame | Manipulatives | Coolmath4Kids
Number Bonds 20 | Math Playground
Money games: Fun Learning Games for Children about UK Money (
Times tables games: Times Tables Games for 6 to 7 year olds (
Shape games: Fun Maths Games about Shapes, Symmetry and Co-ordinates for Kids (
Time games: time - Topmarks Search
Doubling and halving games: Archery Doubles - mobile friendly (,
FOR PARENTS - An article with tips for teaching the time: Teaching Children How to Tell the Time: Hints and Tips - Busy Things Blog
Parents, Think U Know (from the CEOPS team) have produced a set of materials for you to do at home around staying safe online. We use Think U Know resources in school. They are age appropriate and from a trusted source. However, they do take some time to navigate and prepare for in advance. I have included the link to the site below, if you would like to use them with your children. The resources are aimed at 5-7 years and 8-10 years so you would need to select which you think is most appropriate for your child.