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Autumn Term Topics

This term we will start by looking at place value within 10 and then will move on to addition and subtraction within 10.

This half term in English, we are beginning with looking at labels and captions and linking it to the children's experiences.  The children will be writing recounts of the summer holiday and learning about stories with predictable phrasing by studying the text 'Zog.' 

We are looking forward to a fun packed term! smiley


In History we will be studying 'Toys' by sharing our favourite toys, discussing how children of different ages play with diffferent types of toys and comparing old and new toys.  We will also look at 'Homes' and how they have changed over time.


As part of our Geography work we will be studying our school, weather and seasons.  The children will be exploring maps, attempting to draw a map of the school and comparing seasons. 


During Computing sessions we will be learning how to use computers safely and how to navigate websites. 


Science will focus on animals, including humans and will also link to seasonal changes. 


During PSHE we will learn about people who care for us and discuss what it means to be a family and know how families are different. 


In RE we will explore why Christmas matters to Christians.


PE sessions will work on developing our fundamental movement skills and team building.


In Art we will be learning about the artist Henri Matisse.


Music includes a range of songs this half-term, but will centre upon learning 'Hey You' a child-focussed hip hop song.
