Good morning Class Sherwood I hope you have all had a great weekend. Thank you for taking part in the Friday Zoom quiz last week which was a real hit. I will send out invites to the other half (plus those who missed it) later in the week. I am working in school today so may not be able to respond to e-mails as quickly as usual but I will hopefully reply before the end of the day.
Mrs. Baker (Maths Lead) has uploaded a multiplication challenge on our main Class Sherwood page - check it out.
I know that some of you are interested in writing to each other - 'Pen-pals/Pen-friends.' If you would like to write a message to somebody in our class then I am more than happy to receive this message via email and forward it on to the intended recipient. Of course if you already have their details you could do this without me - up to you.
English - Our final week of English before half term will use the BBC material. I will post a new link each day this week to direct you to the BBC site and the lesson I have chosen. Click on the link below to today's focus lesson all about using apostrophes correctly to join words together.
There are several different documents to choose from below. Each document contains living organisms found in specific habitats. Your activities are to:
1. Complete one of the classification tables (or more than one - up to you).
2. Turn this classification table into a branching classification key?