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For English today and for the rest of the week, try to continue this story:


 Suddenly, the device powered up even though there was nobody operating it. Then, as quick as a flash, a bright blue beam shot straight out and it was heading for me. I hadn’t time to react so the beam hit me square in the chest. I started to shake. I started to … 

Home Learning for Wednesday 26th January 2022.

New spellings:










I'm looking forward to reading all of your imaginative recounts and hope that you all managed to escape the human digestive system. Our final focus for this half term, is poetry. 


Read through the two example poems, watch the video clips and then have a go at writing your own list poem using simile and alliteration describing something/someone you like e.g. ice-cream, salad, apple, fish & chips, playing football, your pet, riding a bike, a well-known actor, singer, author, footballer, etc.

Following on from yesterday:

List poems don't have to be filled with just similes.

Read the three list poems. These poems include both concrete (a rusty tin, dead insects) and abstract (e.g. a dark night, growing taller) nouns. Our five senses cannot detect abstract nouns. You cannot see them, hear them, smell them, taste them, or feel them, e.g. a ‘fear’, or ‘intelligence’. Concrete nouns, on the other hand, can be felt, seen, heard, smelt or tasted!


Watch the video about abstract nouns:

Watch the video about abstract and concrete nouns:


Activity – write a list poem including a range of concrete and abstract nouns. Base it on one of the three poems (in a cave; about a sibling/friend/family member or things you have been doing lately).

Yesterday you looked at concrete and abstract nouns in poetry. Revisit the poem ‘Today, I feel’. What two different class/type of word usually opens and ends each line in the poem?


Mostly (As) adjective as (a/an) noun. How would we define an adjective? Adjectives single out some feature or quality of a noun (or pronoun, e.g. he, she, it, they, we, I, you) – they describe it.


Take a look at this information about adjectives:



Adjectives single out some property, feature or quality of a noun (or pronoun, e.g. he, she, it, they, we, I, you) – they describe it.


Adjectives can:

  • appear before a noun, e.g. a big dog, the fierce dog
  • be used on their own as a complement, e.g. That dog was enormous.
  • be preceded by an intensifying word such as very, e.g. the very large dog, the really timid dog, the dog was quite bouncy
  • be compared


There are three kinds of comparison:

a. compare to a lower degree, e.g. That dog is the least noisy. This dog is less hungry than that dog.

b. compare it to the same degree, e.g. That dog is as heavy as its owner.

c. compare it to a higher degree using suffixes -er and -est, e.g. This dog is louder than that. That dog is the loudest.


Are there any adjectives in the ‘Today, I feel’ poem that you particularly like?


Some of the adjectives could also be used as verbs. In the poem 'As, as, as' by Robert Hull, he writes 'as scrunched as a list.' Scrunched can be used as a verb - He scrunched up the paper and threw it away. The scrunched piece of paper was put in the rubbish bin. How would you define a verb?


Take a look at this information about adjectives:



The easiest way to identify a verb is by the way they can be used: they can usually have a tense, either present or past or future. Tense normally indicates differences in time. Verbs are often described as ‘doing’ words. Many main verbs do express an action or event, e.g. dance, hide; but others express mental states or feelings, e.g. want, hear, like; and some verbs express a state of being, e.g. doze, exist.


There are other verbs called auxiliary verbs that ‘help’ the main verb express its full meaning, e.g. am, has, did, could.


Three verbs can act as either main or auxiliary verbs: forms of be, have and do.


The other auxiliary verbs are called modal verbs because they reflect our ‘mood’. They are: can, may, will, shall, must, could, might, would and should. (Children will learn more about these in Year 5.)


Auxiliary verbs can be used before not (or the contraction n’t), e.g. can’t, doesn’t, won’t, cannot, is not, isn’t, shouldn’t.




Can you identify the verbs in the poem ‘Things I have been doing lately’? Are any really detailed?

English - Enjoy the list poems within the document below - choose one of the poems to inspire you to write your own (I like '10 things found in a Shipwreck Sailor's Pocket.'

Activity sheet for the live lesson.


Read Eight Swords by Roger Stevens.

This is an example of a type of poem called a kenning. It is a particular form of a list poem. This poem was inspired by the Anglo-Saxon tradition of naming swords but it also is an example of a word game that The Anglo-Saxons enjoyed – the use of kennings (often found in their poetry). Kennings describe something without using its name, e.g. milk lapper = a cat.

Can you think of any other kenning names for swords or cats, e.g. wound maker, neck slicer, mouse catcher, leg winder?

Kennings could be described as a compressed metaphor. A metaphor describes something as if it were really something else, e.g. he is a lion in battle.

Read some kennings about animals.

Write a poem about an animal. Read it out to somebody and see if they can guess what animal you are writing about.

New spellings










This week is our mid year assessment week.
