Home Page


Welcome to Class Attenborough 


(Year Two)

Adults that support our learning: Mrs Radford (Mon-Weds), Mrs Hally (Thurs-Fri),

Mrs Davey & Mrs Davis.


                Mrs Radford                     Mrs Hally                        Mrs Davey                       Mrs Davis




Attenborough Members of School Parliament and PTA Rep.


Our learning this half term...

As scientists we will be learning about-



As historians we will be learning about-

The Great Fire of London


As design technologists we will be learning about-

Fairground Rides



Please note that your child should come to school in their P.E. kits on Monday and Thursday. 


Please remember to bring your water bottle to school everyday. 



Our weekly celebration assemblies will continue to be on Fridays at 2.45pm.  yes


