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Thursday 14th January

VIPERS: There is another modern Greek Myth on TEAMS for you to read and answer questions on. Today is Theseus. 



English: There is also a recorded lesson for you to watch in TEAMS all about something called parenthesis.


This learning has been set as an ASSIGNMENT in teams, so please turn it in if you can so that I can read it and give you feedback.


Maths: Try and work out what number each shape represents in this puzzle. The coloured shapes stand for
eleven of the numbers from 0 to 12. Each shape is a different number:



Then use your multiplication method to solve these calculations:



And if you REALLY fancy a challenge, try and crack this brainteaser. You have to replace the stars with the digits 0 - 9 (the digit 3 has already been used). 



Science: Last week, we learned about air resistance. Today, we are looking at the force of water resistance and how we can overcome it. This lesson has been recorded in TEAMS.

