Yay it's Friday! Thank you for your wonderful emails.
Twinkl- English- Reading-Friday-Phase Five Home learning challenges.
Listen to Dan Snow reading Cinderella on you tube. Explain that we are thinking about adjectives (Describing words) Listen again and ask your child to list all the adjectives they hear. What are they describing? Can they put the adjectives into sentences?
Test yourself on your Instant Recall facts for 8 and then 9.
Twinkl Year 1 School Closure Interactive Learninh Links. Maths PlanIt Maths Number and Place Value Challenge cards
No. 15 Can you write the numbers correctly?
No. 16 Can you write the number in words and the numeral?
No. 17 How many blocks are there? Can you make the same amount using objects from around your house?
Hope your cress has grown and you are eating it in your sandwiches. Don't forget to complete your Cress Seed Diary.
Keep looking out for signs of Spring. Check out some of the photos we have received in Home Learning in the Photo gallery.
Thank you those of you who have sent them in.
Have a good weekend. More learning starts on Monday.
Happy Thursday everyone. Hope you all enjoyed the sunshine again yesterday. Thank you for all your super photos showing us what you have been up to. Great learning guys!
If you haven't touched base with either of us please drop us a quick email to let us know how you're getting on.
Draw a table with ea making e on one side nd ea making ee on the other. Give your child words from this week's videos (verbally) Ask your child to segment to spell the words under the correct heading. Can they write a sentence using one of the words. (Full stop? Capital letter? Finger spaces?)
Twinkl- English- Thursday-Reading Comprehension-The Zoo Vet.
Log on to Twinkl and find Year 1 School closure Interactive Learning Links. Download and scroll down to Maths PlanIt Maths Addition and Subtraction. different ways to make 9 with two numbers. Record your addition facts first, then see how many subtraction facts you can make.
Then go back to Number and Place value Challenge cards.
No. 12 Can you find the largest number? Can you find the smallest number?
No.13 Can you write these numbers in words?
No. 14 Can you write these numbers in numerals.
Happy Wednesday everyone. Hope you were able to get out in your garden and enjoy the sunshine yesterday. Well done for all your hard work.
Watch "Super Movers" Maths KS1 Counting with John Farnworth. Practice counting in multiples of 2 and record the multiples in your book.
Log on to Twinkl and find Year 1 School Closure Interactive Learning Links.Download and scroll down to Maths PlanIt maths Number and Place Value Challenge cards. Look at No. 8 Complete the sequences and then write 5 more sequences of your own using numbers within 50.
No. 9 Can you find one more than each amount? Now can you order your answers from the smallest to the largest number?
No. 10 Can you find one less than each amount? Now can you order your answers from the largest to the smallest?
Hope your cress seeds are growing, don't forget to water them. Remember to complete your cress seed diary and draw pictures to show how your seeds are growing or take photos. If you weren't at school last Friday and haven't got cress seeds perhaps you could keep a record of a plant growing in your garden or plant some seeds if you have any or record all the signs of Spring that you can spot.
Watch ea making ee Mr Thorne Does Phonics. Can your child trace the the words on your back with their finger. Use robot arms to segment and blend the words together. Can your child think of any more? Write some simple sentences using some of Mr Thorne's words for your child to read. Remind your child that we have learnt that ea can make e and ee sounds.
Continue working on your 'Snow White In Nottingham' stories.
Happy Tuesday everyone! Well done to everybody yesterday! What a beautiful day Monday was!
Watch Geraldine the Giraffe ea making e Mr Thorne Does Phonics on You tube. Write some of the words from the video down on scrap pieces of paper to place/stick around the home. Ask your child to find a word to bring back to you to segment and blend to read. Can your child verbally/ write a sentence using one of the words?
Watch our shared story 'Snow White in New York' on you tube. (It's the Fractured Fairy Tales Kids Book version)
Discuss the story with your child. What is similar/different to the original? When we were at school the children drew ideas for a new version of Snow White (Snow White In Nottingham)
Work with your child to begin to write their new exciting story. (You might want to scribe parts for your child. That's ok!) - This English activity will continue tomorrow.
Our Food D.T objective is to carefully cut food safely. Please can your child create a healthy snack by cutting bananas, cucumbers etc....
Design and draw a healthy meal.
Log on to Twinkl and find Year 1 School Closure Interactive Learning Links. Download and scroll down to Maths PlanItMaths Y1 Addition and Subtraction Challenge cards. Click on Challenge cards. Do the first one - How many different ways can you make 8 with 2 numbers. Record your addition facts first and then see if you can make some subtraction facts. (remember when subtracting the largest number must come first).
Then go back to Number and Place value Challenge cards. Click on Challenge cards and complete No.5 , 6 and 7.
Well done for completing all your Home Learning for today.
Hello Class Newstead,
We hope you have had a good weekend and looked after your Mum yesterday for Mother's Day.
Maths Home Learning
Practice writing your numbers in numerals and words from 1 - 20. Keep checking your number formation.
Ask your parent/carer to say 10 numbers between 10 and 30 for you to record as a numeral.
Then log on to Twinkl and find Year 1 School Closure Interactive Learning Links. Download and scroll down to Maths to
PlanIT Maths Y1 Number and Place Value Challenge cards. Click on Challenge cards.
Complete card 1. a. as written.
b. find 1 less than 36 not 10 less. What was Mali's number?
c. find 1 more than 52 not 10 more. What was Yang's number?
Complete cards 2 and 3.
Well done for completing your Maths Home Learning for today.
English Home learning
Hi, this is Mondays English learning.
Search Mr Thorne Does Phonics ea for e. Watch his video which introduces the alternative sound for ea. Can your child practice writing the grapheme ea in their book. Your child can write down some of Mr Thorne's words and underline the ea. Ask your child to put one of his words into a verbal or written sentence.
Log on to Twinkl and find Year 1 School Closure Interactive Learning Links. Monday- Reading - KS1 Guided Reading Picture Activity.
Well done everybody! Do what you can and keep well!
Take care,
Mrs Graham and Mrs Radford