Home Page


Welcome to Class Newstead


The teachers in Class Newstead are Mrs Radford and Mrs Graham.

Learning From Home


These are the activities that you would normally be doing daily, please continue to do these whilst you are at home. 


  • Reading
  • Instant recall facts
  • Mangahigh (You now have a log in to this- Please access the assigned tasks and game centre. Your log in is inside your home learning book)
  • Common Exception words (Reading and spelling)

Every day Joe Wicks will be hosting a PE session from 9:00am to 9:30am



44 phonemes voiced


School parliament members are;

Alberto Deacon

Millie Kirby

Lily-belle Richards



Our P.T.A. Rep is

Logan King


Don't forget to make sure you have your water bottle in school every day. Please bring your reading book and organiser to school every day and your Target words on Thursday.

You will need your P.E. Kit on Tuesday and Friday and your wellies for Forest school on Monday.





This half term we will continue our year long experiment observing seasonal changes on trees. 



 In Science our topic this half term is "Plants."

We will identify and describe the basic structure of a tree and a plant. We will identify the sources a plant needs to grow and plant and grow our own cress seeds. is a useful website identifying the sources a plant needs to grow.


Dates for your diary





(Please also see the diary page on our website.)


Do you have any ideas for this page? Please let us know. Thank you.


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.

Useful Links
