Happy Friday everyone!
It was so nice to see you all yesterday- we hope you enjoyed it too. Cole and Jess, sorry that we couldn't hear you ever so well - hopefully we can get this sorted by next week; Archie G, thank you for sharing your poem; Fliss, thanks for your brilliant picture - it's now at the top of our website. We look forward to our next meeting next week (details to follow soon) when we can chat about things we're looking forward to when we come out of Lockdown. The Happy Birthday singing was not great so maybe we need to rethink our sing song!!
No one mentioned any issues with accessing Charanga, Education City or Mangahigh but remember to let us know if you're having difficulties. There are new assignments added to Mangahigh so give them a try if you get chance.
Log on: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Watch the video clip and complete the learning sheet then check your answers.
Again, use your Education City link https://go.educationcity.com/home/autoLoginChk/MTU3NDd8RUxWak9nfDBhMjIyNGUyNjBhOWM4YjQwMjFjYjFhZTA4Mzk2NTdkNGE4MjA3YjI=to access the mental maths games I’ve added to our
‘Wollaton- Maths- Friday’
City. You may need a pen and paper to complete them. Complete as few or many of the games as you wish.
Today is set aside for you to finish your newspaper reports which you started yesterday. You did such a great job when we did our reports about the lighthouse keeper not that long ago but, just in case you are struggling, we've included below an article that was written about the events of the Giant's Necklace. Feel free to 'magpie' from this text if you spot any words or phrases you particularly like, just as long as the majority of the article is your own work.
Todays lesson is all about the Wonders of the World. We've moved away from the Americas this week and are looking at several locations around the world. Take a look at the PowerPoint below, which includes your task for today. Once you have located the Ancient Wonders can you see if you can find out about the new 7 Wonders of the World ready for next week.
We've given you an extra computing task for today. As we have started to use Zoom as a way to communicate with you all, we thought it appropriate to remind you of online etiquette.
If you click the link below, it takes you back to ED City. If you go into today's home work tasks for computing, you will find a video, a task and the answers.
Thursday 30th April
Morning everyone and Happy Zoom Day! We're so excited to have the chance to meet up with you all...albeit virtually! We're really hoping that you are all able to make it. Remember, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to... you can just give us a big wave, smile and listen to what everyone else has to say.
Get thinking of all the amazing stuff that you want to share with us tomorrow afternoon. If you're having a trouble getting sorted for using Zoom, don't forget you can email either of us for help.
Today, I’d like you to revise our angles learning so far. Remember, don’t do this unless you’ve completed the maths learning so far in order. We’re going to log on to Education City, again using the link below, click Wollaton then choose your name from the drop down menu. Then click on ‘Home Work’ and complete the tasks in the ‘Wollaton- Maths’ City.
To keep your mental maths up to speed, please choose a Daily Ten Mental Maths Challenge using this weblink: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Set your own challenge type, speed and level. Don’t forget to sit with a pen and paper.
So, even though we have finished reading The Giant's Necklace we still have a little work to do. Over the next couple of days we would like you to create a newspaper article to go with our story. The tragic loss of a young girl on holiday would certainly make the headlines.
We've included a few things to help remind you about this text type, just in case you have forgotten. There's a Powerpoint which has an example of a report and another one which goes through what you need to include to make a great news report. There's also a template if you would like to use one and can print things off. If not, just write it up in your book.
You may want to split your time so you plan today and then write up your report tomorrow, or you may wish to write up different sections as you go over the next two days - whichever works best for you. We look forward to reading any reports that you post via email tomorrow. If you get stuck, have a think back to when we wrote our amazing newspaper reports about the Lighthouse Keeper and use some of those skills!
We hope you managed to start to think about a new game last week and have had time to do some market research. Carrying on from last week's task of developing a new online game, we'd like you to research how others advertise their product. This does involve looking at websites, so remember your online safety. The task is explained on the document below.
And your final task for today:
Thank you to those of you who shared your pieces using different ways to express emotions through the arts. You always impress us with how inventive you are.
Today we're asking you to think about what faith means to you. On the PowerPoint below are some pieces of artwork that you would find in different religions. Have look through them thinking about the questions provided. Then there is a task for you on the last slide. Be as ambitious as you like and don't forget to share what you have created.
Wednesday 29th April
Morning Wollaton,
Another day of great learning yesterday- well done. We're really looking forward to our Zoom meeting tomorrow at 1:30pm. If you haven't used Zoom before, don't worry, we'll talk you through it and I'm sure your parents can help out in the background if need be. If you're feeling shy, don't worry, you won't be forced to talk or join in, you can just listen and have a look at your classmates! If you do fancy chatting with us, why not think about something that you can tell us about. Maybe you've done something cool, made something that you can share with us or tell us any news that you may have. We thought it might be nice to sing 'Happy Birthday' to those of you who have had a 'lockdown birthday!'
For those of you who need books to work in, there will be a box outside school again this week full of blank books so that you can help yourself to one. If the box isn't there (maybe due to rain) just ring the mobile number on the gate and one of the teachers will bring one for you.
Click on the White Rose link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Click on 'week 2' then click on 'lesson 5- calculate angles'.
Watch the video lesson then complete the activity.
Want more? Test yourself by following the link and playing the two games below.
'We’ll Meet Again' seems like a very topical song at the moment- not only is it back in the charts, the Queen mentioned those very words in her address to the Nation at the beginning of lockdown. Have a listen to the words of the chorus and read about the history of Dame Vera Lynn who made this song famous during WWII since it resonated with soldiers going off to war. Why do you think it is important now?
Well done for reading the whole book over the past couple of weeks. We really hope you've enjoyed it.
Today, we will read the final part of the story. If you made a prediction earlier about what might happen, see if you were right. I wonder if the story is going to end the way you think or will you be completely surprised by what happens. Once you have finished reading today's piece, have a look at the questions to go with this. Again, the answers to yesterday's questions are also included. There is then a task to complete which actually asks you to think about the text as a whole, so you will need to go back through the week and last week, to find the evidence needed.
Your evidence file will help you with the tasks for the remainder of the week, so include as much detail as you can from the text. I've included both a PDF and a Word document for this so you have a choice of how to record your learning.
PSHE - Wellbeing Task
The last task for today is something we believe to be very important. At this time it might feel quite hard to think about positives and be very easy to feel down about the current situation we are in. So, we want you to think about things you are grateful for. However big or small add them to your jar (See documents below) and see if you can fill them to the top.
For example, it might be, like me, that you're really enjoying having time to read more. I've finally finished a book I started at Christmas. I'm also really grateful that I have my cats that make me laugh with the daft things they do on a daily basis. They're also really good company as you can see from the picture below. (I was on a virtual meeting with Mrs Baker at the time.)
Tuesday 28th April
Morning everyone and a special hello to the birthday boy Theo. Happy birthday!
Already this week we've seen some amazing learning and we really hope you're getting the most out of what we are putting on everyday. We know it's tricky because we're not all together in the classroom and you can't just ask the person next to you for help. But, if you do need some assistance, we hope you remember that we are always checking our emails to see it you need anything from us (and that's not just help with the maths or English tasks.)
Yesterday morning, we sent out a ParentMail about a video catch up we hope to do on Thursday afternoon. It would be amazing if we could have everyone taking part so we can see you all and have a proper chat with everyone.
So, angles again. Let’s learn a bit more. (Remember, if you didn't do yesterday's maths, do that instead of this- you need to do the maths in the order it's set in order to understand it).
Click on the same link as yesterday: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/
Watch the video lesson and then complete the activity. Remember, if you can't print the activities, just look at it online and write your answers in a book or on paper. Check your answers once finished.
Have a go at this game: http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/4772
We're only two days away from the end of our story. Today we find out more about the two strange men that Cherry has met. Again, there is the story itself to read and then a reading comprehension task with questions, followed by a PowerPoint with today's English task. The answers to yesterday's questions are also included. Remember, if you haven't had a chance to read part of the story in previous days you can always go back and do this so it makes sense to you.
I hope you enjoyed the Education City links yesterday. Today, let’s learn about refraction. Watch the Powerpoint below to teach yourself about it- there’s a weblink to a video on the Powerpoint but if it doesn’t work- here is the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zqg3cdm
Try out the experiments on the Powerpoint out for yourself. If you can’t, or you need a bit of help, watch the clips below to see what should happen:
If the Joe Wicks at 9am is too long/too much for you, then try out this Active 8 minute Joe workout instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXt2jLRlaf8
Every morning at school when the key worker children come in to the hall, we complete a few dance videos. Since it has given out rain today, we thought you'd like to try some of our favourites. If you find others that you think Wollaton would enjoy, please let us know. Try them a few times to see if you can learn them by heart!
Monday 27th April
Morning Wollaton,
Happy Monday! Well done to all of you who completed research into Death Valley. Below is a copy of Theo's Powerpoint for you to have a look at and try to complete the quiz he's created at the end. Well done Theo. Some brilliant work last week Wollaton- we're so impressed with you and are trying to put as much as possible on our scrolling photos for you to see.
For the next few days, we’re going to learn about angles. If you can’t do maths everyday, please complete it in order (e.g. don’t just start on Tuesday) since each lesson builds on the one before. Hopefully, you should be able to access most of these activities without having a protractor because there is one on the screen or drawn onto the question sheet to help you. Click the link to White Rose below. Once you are on to this page, click 'week 2' then scroll down to 'lesson 3' which is called ‘Measure with a Protractor’.
Once you’ve watched the video lesson, click on ‘Get the Activity’ and complete the questions. If you can’t download the PDF, please let me (Mrs Baker) know so that I can screenshot the questions and put them on as a picture for you. The only problem you may struggle with is question 3 on the PDF. Check with your parents or older brothers and sisters to see if they have a protractor you may borrow and if not, don’t worry about doing that part. When you’ve finished, you can click to check your answers.
We really hope you're enjoying The Giant's Necklace. Like we said before, it is one of our favourites. Did it seem strange to you that our main character appeared to have drowned very early in the story? Were there any clues that this was to be her fate? Michael Mulpurgo is really good at adding drama into his writing in quite subtle ways.
Today we are going to read the next part of the story and then there are a couple of tasks for you to complete on the PowerPoint below. There are also a few more questions related to today's text for you to answer. Answers will be posted tomorrow.
Click on this link to access today's music lesson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkx3bdm. We're looking at Melody and Pitch. Watch the little video clips, complete the short activity then watch the clip of the choir singing one of our class's favourite songs. I've included a copy of the lyrics here for you to try and learn them by heart- you're going to need them next week, when hopefully we can host a Zoom sing song!! (more details to follow). If you can't download the Word document of the lyrics below, then you can just Google them.
We have a short free trial of Education City. For science today, I'd like you to click on the Education City link below then follow these steps:
1. Click 'log in'
2. Click 'students'
3. Click 'Wollaton'
4. Select your name from the drop down list
5. Click 'log in'
6. Click 'homework'
7. Click 'Wollaton Science'
Once you're in, complete all of some of the activities to revise/ test your knowledge of our electricity and light topics so far. With Education City, some of the activities are tablet friendly and some are not- do what you can.