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Wednesday 24th February




Spelling: Head over to Spellzone to practise your ch making the /k/ sound words.


Maths: Start with the Flashback 4. It's actually a Flashback 5 as you have to also tell the time on the clock.



English: This lesson will be on zoom at 11am. I will add the resources to the webpage after. Have a read of the Cats 2 document. There are 2 more poems for you to read - The Naming of Cats, and Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer - then your assignment for today.

Assignment - using your notes from yesterday, create a piece of writing about your pet. It could be a day in the life of your pet, or a piece of writing as if your pet was a person. My example is in the Cats 2 document called Woodysaurus Rex. You could use this as a structure to help you.

It doesn't have to be completed today - we will continue writing it tomorrow.


Geography: In this lesson, Mr Barber teaches us about field sketches. We will learn about what field sketches are and how they can be used.

Finally we will practise producing our own field sketch. Mr Barber provides a picture for you to use for your sketch, but it might be good if you could find a picture of a place in your local area that you know.
