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Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good Morning Class Sherwood I hope you are all well and enjoyed yesterday's learning. Please remember to check out the different picture (and sometimes video) galleries to see what your friends have been doing. Also remember that if you need any help then you can contact me via email.


I just wanted to add that the Main Classes Page (link below) is being constantly updated with information and activities for both parents and children.

Spelling - I have included two different word mats associated with our statutory spellings for this half term below.
If you are wanting to print these spelling mats out the files below may make it easier.
English  - Click on the BBC learning link below for today's focused lesson exploring the use of fronted adverbials (a key Year 4 writing objective).
Maths - Please use link at the top of the previous page for your Math's activity.
Computing - Something a little bit different today. The link below takes you to a range of activities and games that you can choose to play associated with many different aspects of the curriculum. See what you can find and enjoy. Let me know which are your favourites.