Maths - This term we will be looking at Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Position and Direction, Place Value, Money and Time.
English - We will start the term learning how to write a report about school. After that, we will be looking at Traditional tales, Poetry and Explanation texts.
In History we will be researching 'Seasides' and how they have changed within living memory.
As part of our Geography work we will be learning about the UK and Capital cities.
During Computing sessions we will be learning about Coding, Software and Hardware.
During PSHE we will learn about 'What helps to keep us healthy?' and 'Who helps to keep us safe?'
PE sessions will work on developing our 'Sending and Receiving' skills as well as learning 'Target games.' During the second half of the term, we will focus on 'Striking and fielding games' and 'Athletics' in preparation for 'Sports Day.'