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Week 3 (Mon 20th - Fri 25th April)

Friday 24th April

Hooray for Friday! Well done Wollaton- a great week of learning. James has managed to get hold of A Monster Calls and Rooftoppers from our '100 Book Reading Challenge' so that will be another two books ticked off when he finishes them- thank you James. 

It was lovely to see Jacob and Oliver in school today. I know Jack was happy to have a couple of other year 6s in with him. 


Let's carry on our learning on circles. If you didn't do yesterday's maths, do that first. Play the Powerpoint below. Use the poster below to help you remember what the video clip taught you about circles yesterday.

Click on the VF (varied fluency problems) and then the RPS (reasoning and problem solving) PDFs.  You choose whether to do the Developing, Expected or GD problems. The answer sheet is right at the end to check when you’re finished. 


So today we're going to have a look at the next part of the story. Once you've read this, and found out what happens to Cherry, please go through the PowerPoint provided. This has a couple of tasks for you to have a go at related to different techniques used within the writing. 

You also have another sheet, with 3 particular questions to answer, related to today's part of the story. For this, we're expecting longer answers with evidence to support you views which is why there are only 3. 

Will continue to read the rest of the story next week.



We would like to carry on with our geography topic 'Amazing Americas' which had started before the lockdown. We had already been researching some parts of the Americas and looking at things such as climate.


Today's lesson involves researching information to compare a very specific place in America with our local area here at home. There are some short, BBC clips to watch - the links for which are included in the PowerPoint below. The way you present this research is up to you - it depends on what you have available to you at home.

Again, please send us anything you create so we can share these with the rest of the class. 

Geography lesson 1

Thursday 23rd April

Morning Wollaton, we hope you're all well and coping with the learning. Remember, don't get stressed about anything you can't do or if you have technical issues, just drop us an email and we'll help out. Remember, our main concern is that you and your families are all happy, safe and well. We love reading your emails and try to respond to as many as we can as close to the time you send them as possible. 

It was great to see so many Earth Day mobile photographs (we've added these to the scrolling photos) and it was lovely to hear that some of you attempted to learn the songs and sing along to the backing tracks we linked you to for our 'sort of' music lesson. The Giant's Necklace is such a fantastic story- don't move on to reading the next part until you're up to date- we don't want you to miss anything! 


Firstly, a bit of mental maths practice. Click on this link and choose 'level 6' and then 'doubles/halves' from the drop down lists. Make your own choice on the 3rd'Choose' drop down menu and then your own time depending on how confident you are. If it's too difficult, change to level 5.


Watch this video clip about circles to learn about the different names for parts of a circle


If you have a compass (sometimes know as a pair of compasses), watch the following clip to learn how to use it-

You can now practice making patterns with your compass. Here are examples of what you could do on the PDF below. If you don’t own a compass, have a go at this activity below. Just in case you didn't know, this is a compass/ pair of compasses. 



Today we're going to do some more word level work related to part of the story we have already read - we know we left it at a particularly crucial point and promise to give you the next bit tomorrow to find out what happens next.

The task below is all about verbs and their use in a text.  On Tuesday we gave you a task related to this to refresh your memories about verbs, so if you didn't get a chance to do that then, you could always go back and have a look before starting todays task. If you click on the Powerpoint below and run through the slides, you will see several short tasks to complete.

Although we aren't continuing with the text today, we have got the answers for you from yesterday's questions. It's great to hear and see that you're answering these comprehension questions as they make you really think about the text you are reading.



Now, we appreciate that you are currently using technology quite a lot at the moment but we still wanted to try and give you a computing topic to get stuck in to. We understand that this could be difficult for you to complete but we know how much some of you really love technology and we want to keep your learning as broad as possible. If you are unable to complete this computing project, don't worry, there is plenty of other learning that you are doing.

The computing project is about creating a new game. The first part of this being the research and development of your game idea. There is a Powerpoint below for you to run through that explains this in more detail. There is also a sheet to help you record your thoughts/ideas. Again, if you can't print don't worry, you can always record your ideas in one of your books/jotters.  


As mentioned above, we want to keep as broad a choice of curriculum as possible whilst away from school. With that in mind we are starting the new RE topic which we would have been doing at this time of the year. Our topic is 'How is faith expressed through the arts?' and as the name suggests, it links very well with the Design/Tech and Art curriculum.


This week's lesson can be found on a powerpoint below. There is also an activity sheet to help. Again, recording any ideas can be done in a jotter or in your sketch book or recorded using your computer/audio depends on what you choose to do. (That will make more sense once you've read the task.)

Wednesday 22nd April


Morning guys, 

Firstly, thanks to Jack for watering all of our school plants and hanging baskets yesterday! We hope you enjoyed the learning yesterday and drew some great optical illusions. 




Maths- Solving problems involving line graphs.

Click on the link below. There are several line graph problems to complete. We would like everyone to complete at least 3 of them. You can complete them on screen and write the answers in your book or if you click on one of the problems then right click- you can save the problem as an image and print it if you’d prefer.



Let’s learn a new song!

Click on the link and then practice singing the song- 'Best Day Of My Life' (with lyrics). Once you’re confident, have a go at the video underneath without the lyrics and just backing track. How do you sound? Have a scroll down the same page, you might recognise some of the other songs. Why not get your parents or brothers and sisters involved too- it might just cheer you up!



Hey everyone. Hope you're enjoying our story so far. We've already had some great giant descriptions and illustrations sent in...very scary! 


Today you're going to read the next part of the story and find out more about Cherry and what she gets up to on this holiday. There are some questions for you to answer based on what you read today. Again I will post the answers to these tomorrow so you can see how you do.

After you've read the section of the story and answered the questions, have a go at today's activity. It's all about making comparisons between the different parts of the text. I've provided a grid for you to work on if you can print, or simply create one in your book if you can't. 

Earth Day Activity.


Today is World Earth Day and we wanted you to have a task related to this important event. It's been 50 year since this day was first celebrated and today, perhaps more than ever, we should celebrate this amazing planet.

So, there is a link to the Climatekids website below. This is a NASA developed site and is great for finding out about many issues that our planet face. If you go into the Big Questions section you'll be able to find out more about problems such as climate change, carbon omissions, and the greenhouse effect. 

Once you have finished exploring this site, have a go at creating a commitment mobile - a link for this activity can be found below. There is a template provided but we're more than happy for you to get inventive and  create your own.

Please send any you produce into the us via our emails as with think this would make a fantastic display.

Earth Day Activity

Tuesday 21st April


Morning Wollaton, 

I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's learning. Well done to Lola for trying out the light experiment (see her photos on our main page) and for starting a 'Covid time capsule'. Also, well done for Luca for learning Italian whilst he's been off and, like Lola, writing a piece for his own time capsule detailing his thoughts about these strange times. 




Drawing line graphs.

Click on this link and press play until you reach this screen...


Click on the ‘data’ button and click on temperature, journey, heights and bathtime in turn. With each of the different graphs, see if you can explain to someone what the graph shows or what is happening as you move through the graph. Then have a go at creating your own graph by pressing the reset button and have a go at plotting your own graph using this poster to help you.

Ask a grown up to help you if you get stuck. 


Have a look at the Powerpoints below. Do number 1 first then 2. 

Now try out the activities. Choose the level appropriate for you. The more stars at the top, the harder the challenge. Answers at the end for when you're finished. 


 Yesterday we started a new text, answering questions about what we've read so far, and looked in more detail at our main character Cherry.

The answers to yesterday's questions can be found below.


Today we are going to focus on our story some more and concentrate on the main point of the text so far. Our Character, Cherry, is busy making a necklace for a giant. But what is this giant like? Imagine Cherry has to explain what her giant is like to her brothers. What would it look like? How would it behave? Where did it come from? Why does it have a necklace?... There are so many possibilities.

Use all your amazing writing skills to write a descriptive piece about the giant. If you want to include an illustration, please do. We look forward to seeing how imaginative you can be and what giant creatures you conjure up.



Answers for yesterday's reading questions

You may have seen that the BBC have now produced hundreds of lessons for home learning. Below is a link to today's year 6 lesson about verbs. Watch the video to remind yourself what different types of verbs are and what they do, then complete the tasks below the video. There's even a extension challenge if you want to go further.  


Yesterday, we learnt about reflection. How is reflection used in our daily lives? Watch this clip to learn about reflective clothing:

Do you have any reflective or retro-reflective items at home? Are there any on your school bags or trainers perhaps?

Move your eyes across this image and see what happens. Do you something moving? Well it’s not really moving, your brain is being confused by what your eyes are telling it.

Optical illusions are tricks that your eyes play on your brain. Instead of seeing things as they really are, shapes and colours are distorted.

Let’s have some fun today and look at some optical illusions. Click on this link to see more.


Now try drawing your own!




Hi Wollaton, 

We hope you had a happy Easter. Thank you to all of you who kept in touch and sent in amazing photos of what you've been up to. Happy birthday to those of you who had Easter birthdays; we have a couple more birthdays coming up very soon so it would be nice if you made cards to post or messaged your friends if you know they should be celebrating soon.

It was wonderful to see the local scarecrow event on ITV news so well done to the Jacob and Oliver, along with the rest of the residents on their street, for helping to create scarecrows to cheer up people passing by. We've also had photos of your chalk pavement designs and many pieces of art that are brilliant- what a talented bunch you are!

So back to a bit of learning- remember, don't get stressed about it and if you need help, ask someone in your house or drop us an email. The most important thing at the moment is that you stay safe and happy. 



So, we're going to carry on with our geometry topic. (We know that we've missed out angles and will pick this up when we get back). Click on the following link: and then click on ‘introduction to line graphs’ (as shown below). Join in with the lesson as if you are a pupil in the class. You might want to get a whiteboard and pen or scrap paper and pencil so that you can work as one of the children in class.  If you have an adult to help you, chat to them when you’re asked what you think.

Once you're confident, have a go at the questions on the Word document underneath. 


There are more assigned challenges on Mangahigh if you would like extra maths challenges. Don't forget your log in details.


Before Easter, you drew drawings to explain how we see things. Today, we are going to learn about the reflection of light. Watch this clip about reflection:


If you have the equipment, try out the experiment below:

Now, test your knowledge of reflection by playing these games:

If the weblinks ask you to install flash player, try opening in Explorer rather than Chrome if you have it. 



We're going to start the book that we would have been reading together and working from if we were all in school.  It's actually one of our favourites so we really wanted to share it with you all.


The book is The Giant's Necklace by Michael Molpurgo - a story with an interesting twist. Each day we will give you a short piece of the story to read and then a series of questions related to the text you have read. We will then post the answers to these questions the following day so you can see how you are getting on. You'll also get a writing task each day - either SPAG based or whole text based. Please send in any pieces of writing you do via our emails, as you were before the Easter break, so we can share these with others in the class. If you can print things of feel free to do so, but we will try and make sure that this is not necessary and you can record your work into your jotters.


Monday's tasks can be found below, along with the section of the story to read. You've also got a PowerPoint with some images of the area where the story is set to give you a feel of the location. It's really important that you read each part of the text every day, even if you don't get all the tasks done, so you don't miss any parts of the story.
