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Thursday 28th January

The Rogers family have a new Sonny


VIPERS: Today's reading text is about the ancient Roman city of Pompeii.



Maths: Start with this Flashback 4.

Then you will be dividing with remainders. Again, if the place value grids and charts are confusing, start from question 2 and just do what you can.

If you fancy a break from this method, go to tomorrow's maths learning where there are loads of multiplication and division challenges for you to try, some of which you can do on your own.


English: I know that a lot of you will still be working on your newspaper report. 

For those that have finished, you can have a go at this BBC reading lesson on To Be a Cat by Matt Haig.


Science: We are starting a brand new science topic: PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS. You can watch this recorded lesson in Teams.

