Good morning guys! Well, here we are again - we are all so disappointed that school has had to close to most of you, but we understand the reasons behind it and are ready to go with remote learning. I will be in school everyday teaching some of our class as normal.
For those of you at home, each day's learning will be available on our class page. We appreciate how difficult it is at home, just do what you can, when you can, if you can. I am still your teacher and here to support you, so you will also be able to contact me via TEAMS (I will be logged on in the afternoons) as well as submit some of your learning for me to mark.
We totally get that the White Rose videos aren't the most entertaining, but they do the job and give you the opportunity to pause the lesson at different points. Moving forward, there will be opportunities for you to Zoom in to some lessons that I will be doing in school (if and when you can). I will also pre-record some teaching slides for some lessons that you will be able to watch on TEAMS.
Every day we will do a maths and English lesson, as well as one other curriculum lesson. Don't forget that you will also need to practise your spellings, times tables and carry out your daily reading - what an opportunity for you to read those books you got for Christmas! There are loads of activities on the Even More Useful Links section of our class page, including TT Rockstars.
Spelling: You have 2 patterns this week, both of them prefixes. The prefix 'circ' means 'around' and the prefix 'aster or astro' relates to stars. Make sure you can read them all, spell them and define them.
If you want to practise ast words on spellzone, follow this link:
English: You guys came up with some superb Pandora creatures on Monday. If you want to watch the video again, this is the link:
Today, you are going to start to write a description of your creature (from what you can remember about it!). We are going to write the first part today, the second part tomorrow, and then edit and submit a final draft on Friday.
Here is the first part of my description of the Snakor. I have highlighted a relative clause in red, a rule of 3 in brown and some relevant vocabulary in blue. Have a go at writing 2 paragraphs to describe your creature.
Maths: Start by having a few goes on Is This Prime? My best score earlier was 15 - see if you can beat that!
Today's White Rose lesson is CALCULATE PERIMETER which you can access from the link. Complete what you can of the worksheet - the challenges get progressively harder.
History: I LOVE these homeschool history podcasts from the BBC. Sit back, relax and listen to a short history lesson every week. Listen carefully as there is a quiz at the end. Can you get 5 out of 5?
This week is all about Mary, Queen of Scots.