Our School Parliament consists of three children in each class (4 in Y6) who have been voted for by their class mates. We have regular Parliament meetings which are led by our Chair and Vice Chairs, who are voted in from the Y6 Parliament members by our members.
Each classroom has a suggestions box so all the children in school can suggest improvements which their representatives can bring to the parliament meetings to discuss. Exampled of the impact of this are mirrors in the toilets and Christmas Jumper days.
Our School Parliament also present certificates at our weekly Celebration Assembly to children who they feel have displayed our school values that week.
Our school Parliament focus on listening to and representing the pupil voice and also raising money for charity. Recent projects have included our Reverse Advent Calendar to collect donations for the Arnold Food Bank and a toy sale to raise money for 'Shelter'. The Parliament is currently exploring the possibility of sponsoring children at the King's School in Ghana.
Once a year we also hold a whole School Parliament where children throughout school are encouraged to debate a proposal. In the last two years this has resulted in a decision to hold a whole school water fight and a mixed KS1/KS2 playtime.