Friday 3rd April.
As this would have been the end of term and we would have all been doing our Friday dance, we felt that it was important that it still happens…even if it’s a virtual/long distance one. Mrs Somerville and Mrs McGill will join in with those of you at school. Once you’ve finished your dancing (or whilst still doing it) have a look at today’s learning.
As you did such a great job of the art we did related to the creation story, we thought you could get creative again, only this time with the Easter Story. We would like you to design something that represents the story of Jesus’ last week. You can use words – like a 'wordle', images, symbols or a combination of all of these. How you represent what happened is up to you, but anyone should be able to look at it and know what it is showing.
Just in case you need a reminder of the story, there’s a simple version on the link below – this will also count as your reading for today.
Have a look at the problem below.
Can you find all the possible ways to make a cube net? If you have any Geomag, polydron or other construction equipment at home, it may help you. When you think you’ve found them all, click on the link below to complete the activity to check.
English – SPAG
On Monday we gave you a game to play that got you thinking about synonyms, antonyms and homonyms. Here’s the link again if you need a refresher.
Today We’ve got a word of the day - well 3 actually - that we would like you to look at more closely. For each word we’d like a definition, for you to use it in a sentence and to tell us the word class. Then we would like some synonyms and antonyms of the word.
Your three words are:
On Wednesday you learnt about light sources and investigated what happened when the amount of light to the pupil was reduced. Today, let’s have a look at how light travels. Watch this clip first:
If you can’t download this Powerpoint below, use the information poster to help you.
Look at the diagrams below and use the Powerpoint below or diagram above to help you draw on/ discuss where the light rays would be drawn. Remember, light travels in straight lines so make sure you draw a ruler.
Now draw 3 of your own drawings (which include a light source, object and person) and draw on the light rays with arrows to show where the light is travelling from, what it is bouncing off and where it enters to show how the person sees your object.
To prove that light travels in straight lines, why not set up an experiment like the scientist in this video (you don’t need fancy equipment, just some card, a torch/ phone and some bluetak or play dough to hold the card in place).
Remember to keep going with the STEM tasks we gave you yesterday – there are 12 for you to look at and try.
Shout out to:
Luca for being Miss Clark’s virtual digital leader.
Lola for the most inventive use of toilet roll we’ve seen so far.
Isla- the nicest looking lemon drizzle cake.
Tim- great circuit diagrams and David Walliams style character description
Emily- more scrummy cooking and amazing hand art
Finally, we’d like to say a great big thank you to you all...and the parents who are helping you out with everything we keep sending you. You have been amazing at keeping us up to date with everything you have been doing. Although we haven’t seen most of you for what feels like a very long time now, knowing you are safe and well is keeping us going. Remember, If you need us over the Easter break: for help; ideas or just a chat to check in, email us.
We were going to buy each of you one of these to celebrate Easter but seeing as we’re not at school, the picture will have to do!!
Thursday 2nd April
Hey everyone…week two is nearly done!
Now that you’ve all finally stopped laughing about yesterday April Fools SATs joke we can have a look at today’s learning tasks.
PE workouts
If you’re looking for an alternative to Joe Wicks then Betty has just the workout for you!
Check out her PE task below and don’t forget if you’ve completed yours, send it in via email so others can have a go.
Although we obviously want you to get outside (if it’s safe to do so) and keep your bodies nice and active, we also want to keep your minds healthy and keep you safe online. If you click the link below it will take you to an online game that helps you stay computer savvy. (Digital leaders will recognise this from our club.)
So earlier in the week we gave you an image of a character to describe. Today we’re giving you the location or setting where the character was first spotted.
How did they get there? Have they always been there? What do they do? Do they live alone or are there other characters in this location? Are they friend or foe? Why is this place so special/important?
Sticking with our theme of shape we have 3 tasks for you to complete:
Fill the gaps - complete the missing parts of the table.
Odd one out - which of the 3 shapes do you think doesn't fit with the others and why?
Different ways - find 3 ways to add a 4th triangle to the nets to make a pyramid.
Don’t forget to use the 3D Shape prompt from yesterday if you get stuck.
Science/DT (tasks for the next few days)
As we head towards Easter we wanted to give you some ideas that you can try out around the house that are inventive and explore several subjects such as DT, science and art. If you click on the link below you will find 12 little tasks to pick and choose from. Obviously some of these will rely on you having certain resources but hopefully most are things you can do/try.
When this link opens you will see the 12 tasks. Each of these do have a link to the STEM website if you really fancy exploring the task much further but this is certainly not expected.
Again, we would love to see how you get on with whatever you choose to do. We will definitely be trying some ourselves!
Today, well done to all of you but shout outs to:
*Tim for a lovely descriptive write
*Ellen- great decorated 3D shapes (your dog is so cute)
Cole- swingball champion!
*Jack- loved playing badminton with you today!
*James- great to see you and your family looking so happy and positive
when we saw you walk past school earlier today- thanks for the chat!
*Archie Gav- your cheese twists looked scrummy!
*Harry- great selfie and Percy Jackson description!
Hi Wollaton,
Happy Wednesday! (1st April). So, just to let you know that the government has decided that SATs will go ahead this year and, unfortunately for us, they've brought them forward. Miss Clark and I will be delivering the papers to your houses on Monday and your parents will administer them and post them back to us so we can send those results up to your secondary schools. We know that this may be a little scary for some of you but like we always say, just try your best. Below is an example of the type of questions you may get....
April Fool!
Anyway, back to the learning....
Remember our 100 Book Challenge? Well maybe, between us, we can still complete it. Below are titles of all of the books that we need to read (again, between us) in order to finish our challenge. I really wanted to read ‘A Monster Calls’ to you since it is one of the best books I’ve read and I really don’t want you to miss out.
Here is the official trailor to ‘A Monster Calls’ to give you a little preview. The actual film is rated 12A so not one for you guys to watch just yet.
The Amazing Maurice- Terry Prachett
Ballet Shoes- Noel Streatfield
The Wind Singer- William Nicholson
Rooftoppers=- Katherine Rindell
The Crossover- Kwame Alexander
Mold and The Poison Plot- Lorraine Gregory
Also, Amazon are now offering free audio books to children whilst we’re off school, so try and take advantage of this whilst it’s free. I’ve checked and none of the titles above are available on here unfortunately but maybe you could find a good one and send us your recommendations:
Do a spelling scribble of 5 of the statutory spellings that you're still unsure of.
Our new topic is ‘Light’. Today, let’s learn how our eyes work and how we see things. Watch the video clip:
Try this when it’s dark:
With the light on, stare into a partner’s eyes then turn the light off for a few seconds. Now turn it back on and see what happens to your partner’s pupils. It should be something like this:
Revise your knowledge of light sources- then play the following game (it’s a bit basic but a good recap before we start the trickier stuff)
Our next topic should be drawing and measuring angles using a protractor but since we're not sure how many of you have a protractor, we’ll move on to 3D shapes and catch up on the angle stuff later.
Nets- remind yourself what a net is by watching this clip:
If you need to remind yourself of the names of 3D shapes, use this to help you.
and then play this game....
If you can print, have a go at building one of the 3D shapes below. If not, have a look around your house to find some boxes. If you're allowed, open them out to see their nets and try to draw your own.
Keep up the hard work Wollaton. We love hearing from you and looking at what you've been up to. Congratulations to Lola for her gymnastics award. Have a look at her certificate in our rolling photos. Also, we loved the photo of Jess' chalk drawings for the NHS, the Taylor's comic strips and Libby's pom pom creation. More shout outs tomorrow!
Tuesday 31st March
Hi folks. Hope everyone is doing ok. As well as today's tasks, don't forget to continue with your PE assignment from yesterday. If you can, then share them with us, we can add them to the class page for others to have a go at.
There's also the Charanga website for music and the daily tasks to keep doing.
SPAG - Using the word list below have a go at the scrabble challenge. Once you've used the list provided you could always have a look at other Stat spellings and see what they would score. Remember you have a full list in the back of your organisers. We'd definitely be interested to know which words score the highest.
Maths - Click on the weblink for today's task - Calculating Scale Factors. It follows on from where we were before we closed. There is an activity sheet you can open and print or draw straight into you maths jotter.
Reading Comp - have a go at the 2 short reading comps below - The Hunger Games and How Volcanoes Erupt.
Monday 30th March
Welcome to British Summer Time and week 2 of our home learning. We hope you all had a great weekend and are all doing well. We’ve got some new and hopefully interesting tasks for you again this week. Please keep sending in your photos/examples of work you have completed. It makes us smile to see what you’re all up to.
PE - as set by Joe Wicks:
English – Writing.
On Friday, you were given the challenge of writing a character description about a little boy and using the David Walliams free audio stories as a bit of inspiration. Having listened to ‘Peter Picker’ yesterday and ‘Windy Mindy’ on Saturday, we certainly hope that none of your characters are as disgusting as they are!
Today you have an image and some instructions related to another character description. Try and really use all the different elements of good writing in your work – the instructions prompt will help you with this. The better the character you develop now, the easier a task later in the week will be.
SPAG – Play Word Frog game where you have to identify antonyms, synonyms and homonyms.
Music- you've all now received a Parentmail about Charanga and Yumu. Attached to the email were your individual login details for that site. On there are some of your favourite songs and obviously you could play along using the notes we learnt if you have an instrument at home. Also, check out the Music clickable on our class home page. In here there are lyric video links to other songs that we like to sing in class. Any other suggestions for the music page are welcome- drop Mrs Baker an email. Use Charanga as and when you please- it may just cheer you up! yumu
Maths – Consecutive numbers. Watch the video by clicking on the following link. You will be guided through a series of short tasks…remember to pause the video to give yourself as much time as you need to really explore the tasks. The document below the link has a copy of the questions A and B for you to look at.