Wednesday 6th May 2020
Good morning all and I hope you enjoyed the home learning yesterday.
English - Thank you for your very persuasive letters regarding playtime. You have shown many great writing skills and used the downloadable mat to good effect.
Today, I would like you to decide whether you think Zoos are a good or a bad idea. Once you have decided this, I would like you to plan a piece of writing (which you will complete tomorrow) to express this decision and try and persuade the reader to join your point of view. I have included a planning sheet (below) for you to complete today in readiness for your writing your piece in more detail tomorrow.
Art - I have combined art and our current geography learning together - and I'm really going to miss doing this activity practically with you as I do enjoy it.
There are several stages to work through in order to get to the completed piece so it will take some time to complete.