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Week commencing 20/04/20

Friday 24th April 2020

HAPPY FRIDAY- Mrs McGill here. I hope you all had a great Easter break and have had a lovely first week back to our summer term.  smiley


Today's English learning is based on St George's Day (which was yesterday). I know that with Mr Higgins you have been exploring traditional tales; with that in mind your learning for today is to research the story of St George and draw a story map to go with it. An example of a story map is below, but feel free to set it out how you want. 



We would normally have our spelling quiz on Fridays. As things are a little different at the moment, please find below your word search spelling activity for this week- dge and g sound. I have also attached the web address if you wanted to print it off smiley




On a Friday we have been focusing on revising the times table and before the Easter Holidays we were exploring the 3 times table. Please recap this time table with the game below. See if you can repeat the game and beat your score.



As part of our PSHE curriculum we focus on encouraging children to stay safe in everyday environments, ranging from staying safe on online to road safety. The beautiful Spring sunshine is the perfect opportunity to explore Sun Safety. Discuss with your child how we keep ourselves safe in the sun. You can use the link below to support this discussion.

Can you please create a Sun Safety poster? Try and include all the important information and key tips. 


Have a brilliant Friday and I look forward to hearing from you all. Miss you all lots.  


Thursday 23rd April 2020

Hello everyone, we are one day away from the weekend with some new activities


We are moving on to measuring in metres today, it’s highly unlikely you have a metre stick kicking about your house, but the video does off some suggestions of how to make your own or if you have a tape measure at home that could well be a simpler option. As always, the activity sheet is at the bottom of the page.



Ahar me hearties!  It be time for some pirate themed phonics activities!

Find the treasure using your phonics skills or be forced to walk the plank!

(Disclaimer: Not an actual plank)

Please note that no pirates were harmed during the making of this challenge.



Thursday is Grammar day so we will be looking at how to use a range of conjunctions (words that join two parts of a sentence or ‘clauses’ together.

I know the PowerPoint is labelled as ‘warmup’ but it actually works well as a way of assessing your child’s learning afterwards.



Our Topic this term (That is our actual topic not our maths topic or our English topic) is the American artist Andy Warhol.  As an introduction, please go through this PowerPoint with your child

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good morning everyone, we have reached the halfway point in the week, let’s have a look at today’s activities:


Today we are moving on to look at measurement with lesson 3, it would be helpful for some of the later questions if you have a ruler. if this fails the download link is at the bottom.



Another board game today, roll the dice, sound out the word using your phonics.  If your child is finding the words too easy, then I recommend the adult has the board, and tells the child the word who then has to spell it out loud.



For our next step in our traditional tales topic, we are going to write a setting description.

(NOTE TO PARENTS: a setting description is when we write a series of sentences to describe what can be seen in a picture it is not a story, but I’m sure you all knew that.)

I’ve put up a picture for this that isn’t from any particular traditional tale, but could fit in several…

ALL of you will be able to use adjectives to describe the picture e.g. the ancient walls

MOST of you will be able to use two adjectives to describe a noun e.g. the bright, beaming sunshine

SOME of you will go further and will write full sentences to describe what is happening and where e.g.

Early in the morning the bright, beaming sunshine was pouring over the ancient, crumbling walls.

Extra bonus activity (don’t panic)

Today is Earth day, and in honour of this I have included links to some earth day activities.

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good morning everyone


Today we are continuing with our revision work on fractions before moving on to measurement tomorrow.  I’m aware that some people are having trouble getting on to White Rose at the moment, since the government added it to their recommended resources the website is crashing from overuse so I will continue to add the activity sheet as a link at the bottom of today’s learning.



Looking at each picture you will find the letters to spell on of our Year 2 common exception words.  How many can you find?



As part of our traditional tales topics we have a range of reading comprehensions in three difficulty levels.  Pick you favourite story, then answer the questions by reading the text.  Them, choose one you don’t know as well and try to answer that one too!


As the next part of our science topic of animals and their habitats, we have two activities:

Activity 1 – draw a food chain – remember to start with a green plant and then show who eats whom.

Activity 2 sort out things in your home (including your garden) that are alive, dead or never alive.

Again, all of these activities could be done by printing the resources, writing down in a jotter or even discussing them verbally with your child.

Monday 20th April 2020

Hello everyone and welcome back after the Easter holidays, I hope you had a lovely break.



As a school we normally follow the White Rose Scheme of work for mathematics and they have produced a special new curriculum specifically for home learning which we will be using as long as we are in lockdown.  This curriculum will involve some revision of concepts we have already covered this year as well as the key concepts your children will need to be prepared for Year 3.

The weblink is here please look at lesson one – find three quarters.

I’m aware that there can be quite a lot of printing involved here, so I would recommend putting the questions up on a screen and answering on a sheet of paper – with my own children we have been working in notepads to save ink. 

UPDATE - I'm aware that White Rose is crashing due to overuse, so I have attached the question sheet to the bottom of this page.



This special version of monopoly covers our phase 5 phonics words, you can either print it out or put it on a screen and keep track of your positions.



Our topic for English is traditional tales, today please look through this powerpoint explaining what they are and answering the questions within it.



Continuing our science topic on animals and their habitats here is a list of vocabulary words and information about different habitats to go through with your child, again, this can be printed or read from the screen. 

