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Home Learning Activities : Week 2

Friday 3rd April 2020
Good morning everyone - I find it difficult to put into words just how incredibly resilient, hard working, creative, kind and caring you all have been. I really have missed you all so much but hopefully you have still felt part of Class Sherwood and the All Hallows family. 

As you all know by now Friday mornings at school usually means three things:


Library card check for your four reads (I'm sure you have all been reading lots and lots).

Spelling Test - but no new spellings today apart from the next set of statutory spellings (you have a copy of the full set for the year in the book you took home).

And of course Pokémon day – have you caught them all yet?

Because you love your reading and that you have undoubtedly been reading even more over the last two weeks, I would like you to write a book review. There are so many good books available it can be so difficult to choose what to read next. Therefore, a recommendation is always good. There is an example template for you to base your review on below. After writing your review please take a picture of it and send it to me. I would really love to create a 'Recommended Reads' section of our class website.
Maths - It has been a while since we have completed a 10 in 10 grid so have a go at this today. Remember to check through your calculations before looking at the answers. Use the strategies we have practised and remember to keep things neat.
It is now your turn - instead of me setting a 10 in 10 I would like you to design your own version. Base your version on the same style of questions we usually use (always a focus on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Remember that you will also need to create an answer sheet as well. If you would like to send me your 10 in 10's I can then create a new section on the website for you to try and solve each others. 
And now for a bit of fun - can you find the specific items in the following brain boggling picture puzzles? You could have a go at creating your own.
I have created a section on the main class page called 'Easter activities, ideas and thoughts'. If you would like a few things to do over the Easter period please take a look at this section and/or you can revisit any of the learning set over the past two weeks. Have a great break.
Thursday 2nd April 2020
Hi everyone - hope you are all well. I have given you a little less Maths today and some longer History activities. I hope you enjoy them all. Thank you for the jokes you have sent in they really made me laugh. 
SPaG - I'm sure that you will be able to unlock this tricky code and answer the questions too - good luck.
Maths - Just the one sheet to have a go at today but there is always Manga High and TT Rockstars to use as well.
PE: Keeping active is a huge part of ensuring our well-being. The four pictures below show some 30 minute workouts. Your task is to create your own 30 minute workout. When finished I would love to see them and place them in our Well-being section.
History - Roman Britain - Gods and Goddesses - Read through the Lesson Presentation document to learn all about the Gods and Goddesses. Then create your own card game using  the Roman Gods card game, There's quite a lot to do here so this is something that may take you a couple of days to finish. Hope you enjoy learning and creating.

Wednesday 1st April 2020 


Good morning Class Sherwood - remember to take a look at our galleries to see what your friends have been up to. Remember you can send me some pictures of what you are getting up to for me to upload. Activities for today are:

SPaG - Sorry for repeating yesterday's SPaG activity - we all make mistakes. Take a look at the picture below and produce a great piece of writing. I have included another picture with examples of the different sentence types to remind you. Do you need to edit your writing?
Maths - Complete the following two slides in your books. Check your answers by following the link underneath.
Science - Solid, liquid or gas? Can you complete the sheet below? You could either print the sheet out and colour in or use the snipping tool to paste into Paint on the computer (or alternative package) and colour in and save. 
History - Roman Britain - follow the link to a game on the BBC website to play Romans Vs Celts (I wonder who will win?) 
Jokes Time - I have also created a New Jokes button on the main class page. Please send me a picture of your handwritten jokes to upload so we may all have a good laugh.

Tuesday 31st March 2020

A very good morning to you all and hope that you are well. I wonder how many of you started your Roman Chariot builds yesterday? I would love any pictures to add to this weeks’ gallery. Take a look at the activities for today:

Reading: English Revision – Using the slide below, write the sentences into your books using the correct punctuation to demarcate them correctly.

Maths: Complete the two sets of questions on the slides below in your books.

Music – Charanga/Yumu. Click on the Music Star button on the main class page to take you to the link and a step by step guide of how to log on (using the details in the parent mail I sent yesterday). Revisit any of the learning from Year 4 so far or if you have an instrument why not learn some new skills (If your child is in school they will need their username and password to logon).


D&T: Roman Chariot – continuation of the model build. You could also create a setting for your Roman Chariot and take a picture for the class gallery.

Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning all. I hope that you are all well and enjoyed the weekend. Please take a look at the links below for some more activities (please use the link above to find the interactive learning link on the Twinkl website).


Reading: Friday English Revision – Just complete the first activity (Monday – slide/page 2). You could write the sentences into your books and show the people at home your fantastic handwriting.


Maths: Thursday Fractions Challenge Cards – Choose any four cards to answer.


Science: Thursday Food Chain Quiz – How many questions can you get correct? Can you create your own food chain?


D&T: Roman Chariot – With your help we collected so many plastic milk bottles and lids in readiness for us to create a model of a Roman chariot. Even though I would have loved to have completed this build with you I am instead asking you to have a go at this at home. Please use any materials to complete your models and I look forward to seeing your finished products.  (Added pics underneath of the model in our classroom)


I’m going to create a week 2 gallery of pictures so please keep on sending them in to me it really is lovely getting to see what you are getting up to. Missing you all – Mr. Gillett.


Ps. If you missed these on Friday - 

New Spellings for the coming week:












Pictures of a model chariot using a milk bottle.
