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Week 3 Monday 20th April - Friday 24th April

You might notice your learning tasks going on a little bit earlier this week and there may not always be a message from me when they first appear. I'm doing this in case Baby Hally decides to come along. Then if I can't get to my lap top, at least I know you will have tasks for the next day :-) 



Hi Class Rufford. I hope you all had an amazing Easter holiday and didn't eat too much chocolate :-) I imagine you all took a break from doing the tasks I have been setting but if you're short of something to do, all the activities I put on over Easter, are still up. Thank you for the photos and updates from your parents. I liked hearing from them. 


Now the hols are over, it's back to learning. You don't have any new spellings this week because I want you to practise the new set of stat spellings. They are stuck in the books you took home. Please practise them every day and try to put them into some sentences. I don't think there are any in the list that have tricky meanings (though, notice, quarter, length, library, famous, describe, mention, answer, appear).


The tasks I am setting this week are a bit different to those we were doing before Easter. For our English task, we will be watching some videos over the week, that tell a story. It is a story by William Shakespeare called The Tempest. It has a ship wreck, a wizard and magical creatures in it. It's one of my favourites. For maths, I am going to give you a link to access a set of videos. You will need to work through them in order, starting with the first one today. You will need complete them in order and keep track of which ones you have completed. So if you miss a day, you can carry on from where you were. 


Task 1 - Watch the animation, The Tempest Episode 1 on You Tube. Then complete the task below. Only watch the video in the link. I know it is suitable for you but I don't know about everything on YouTube. Be smart and stay cyber safe. 

Prospero has a cloak that shimmers and sparkles with light. Draw an outline, like the one below, and design what your magic cloak would like. What powers would you have when you wear it? You will find out more about Prospero’s cloak later in the week.


Task 2 - Access the maths videos at this link DO NOT watch the top video, scroll down to the next one from Monday 23rd March and start there. I want you to work through the videos doing one each day. If you like them, get your parents to let me know and we'll keep using them. If you don't like them, get your parents to tell me and we'll try something else. 


Task 3 - Stand in front of a full length mirror and take a good look at your body. Spread your arms to the sides and bend them. Where do they bend? Look at your hands. How many places can you bend them? Lift up one leg. Can you bend that? In how many places? What other parts of your body can you bend?

Every bend is where two bones meet. It is called a joint.

The bones in our body are called our skeleton. There are 270 bones in the human body at birth. By the time you are an adult you have 206 bones. Draw what you think a human skeleton looks like. Before you do it, run your hands all over your body, from your head to your toes. DON'T look at a picture before you start your drawing. When you've finished your picture, keep it safe. You will need it tomorrow.

If you don't have a full length mirror, ask someone in your house to stand facing you and be your reflection :-)  


Optional Task - You could ask your parents to help you stain some paper, using a tea bag. Tear the edges first and it will look like a real message in a bottle.


Have a great day guys and be nice to your parents :-) Remember we are all getting used to you learning from home. It's not easy for anyone.






Good morning Rufford. I hope you have a terrific Tuesday. Did you like the first part of The Tempest yesterday and how did you find the maths video? I hope you enjoyed both tasks. 


Well done to Archie, Caleb and Jess for being the top three on the TT Rockstars leaderboard for the last seven days :-) Your certificates are on the Rufford home page. I noticed that 18 people didn't go on AT ALL during the second week of the Easter holidays. WOW!!!! Let's see if we can get the competition going a  little bit this week and aim for three new leaders. Archie M and Caleb are making the rest of you look bad! 


Task 1 - If you didn't complete Task 1 yesterday. You need to get the link from Monday and watch the video first or you won't understand today's videos.  Then ...


… Watch The Tempest Episode 2

How do you think Miranda feels when she finds out they haven’t always lived on the island?

What do you think Ariel was doing in the tree trunk when Prospero found him?

Write your ideas in your book.


Now watch The Tempest Episode 3  (There are a lot of new characters in this episode. Don’t worry if you can’t keep up with all of them.)

What do you think of Prospero by the end of this episode? Think about what he is doing but also why he is doing it.

Record your ideas in your book.



Task 2 - Hopefully you completed the first maths video (Consecutive Numbers) yesterday. If you didn't, that's where you need to start today. If you did that one, go on to the next one. Three Numbers Challenge.



Task 3 - Make sure you have got your picture of your skeleton from yesterday. (If you haven't done that task, you need to look at Task 3 from Monday and do that first.)


Use this diagram to check how accurate your drawing is. 

Did you include all the bones? You can clearly see where the different bones meet (the joints).

You might need to alter your picture now, or even have another go. 


Watch the two clips in the links below:


What three jobs does the skeleton do? You will need to get different jobs from different videos.

Write the jobs somewhere on your picture. 

Label the skull, ribs and spine.



Task 4 - Tomorrow is Earth Day. Take a look at the information in the Power Point below so you are ready for Earth Day and the tasks that I set tomorrow. If you can't open the Power Point, you could do some internet research about what Earth Day is. 


Here are some websites you could look at:


Earth Day 2020 Power Point



Morning Class Rufford and HAPPY EARTH DAY. I forgot to ask on Monday, how are you all getting on with learning to tell the time? I'm hoping that you are all experts by now and are ready for another CLASS CHALLENGE, which is - learn to tie your shoe laces. (Some of you can already do this so you can have a bit of extra time to play in the sun.) If you can't do it, this is the perfect time to learn. Your parents might  want to take a look at this website for some help, Now on to today's tasks.


Task 1 - Watch The Tempest Episode 4

Antonio shows himself to be a real villain in this episode. Here are some more well-known villains.

Write a list of adjectives to describe the characteristics of a villain. Try to be as creative as you can. You can use more than one word that means the same thing, like nasty and mean. These are called synonyms. Group any synonyms together. You could use a thesaurus if you have one at home. Then design your own villain to go with your list.



Task 2 - Complete the next video in the series. If you completed the first two videos on Monday and Tuesday, you will be on Spot The Difference. If you need to go back and complete any of the other videos first, please do that before moving on.



Task 3 - To celebrate the 50th Earth Day, I'd like you to create a picture of our beautiful planet. You can use felt tips, pencil crayons, paint, chalk, collage, recycled materials or anything else you can thing of. Please send me a photo so I can create a Gallery page just for this. You might want to do this over the week, depending on how you're doing it so just send the photo when you have finished. You could put your finished picture up in your window with your rainbows, if you have them, and could write Happy Earth Day so everyone knows why you have done it. 



Optional Task -

To do this properly, you will need to recreate it but you don't have to use matches. 


Have a wonderful Wednesday :-) 



Good morning Class Rufford.

Happy St George's Day and Happy Birthday to William Shakespeare too.

How are you all today? I know some of you have been practising tying your laces because I've seen some photos. Well done :-) I hope you all enjoyed getting arty yesterday. I can't wait to upload all your Earth pictures. Evie-Mae's and Arianna's are already in the Gallery. Their pictures are very different but both fab. Just a reminder to practise your stat spellings too. 


Today's tasks are ...


Task 1 - Watch episodes 5 and 6 of The Tempest

In episode 6, Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love. Think about the people that you love. Choose at least three people and explain what it is about those people that makes you love them.



Task 2 - Complete the next video in the series. Different people are bound to be on different videos by now, so just keep working through them at you own pace. One a day is great, but if you can't manage that, that's ok. Just do one when you can

Remember to keep going on TT Rockstars and Mangahigh too and don't forget about the games in the link at the bottom of the Rufford home page. I wonder if we will have three new Rockstars on the leaderboard on Monday.



Task 3 - As it's St George's day today I thought we should learn a bit about it. I have attached a Power Point (underneath the optional task) and this is a link to an animated version of the story. It tells of how George defeated the dragon.

As we're having an arty week, I'd like you to create your own dragon. It could even be 3D! You could take a picture of you defeating it (or making friends with it).




Optional Task - 


Have a good day guys :-) 



St George's Day PP



Good Morning Class Rufford. Can you believe it's Friday already? That means spellings :-) Get someone to check how many of your stat spellings you've learned this week.


On with today's tasks.


Task 1 - Watch the last two episodes of The Tempest (which I hear lots of you have really enjoyed).


In the final episode Prospero gets rid of his three magic items (his cloak, his spell book and his magic staff). He thought that he couldn’t live without them but changed his mind and decided that he could. If you were stranded on a desert island, what couldn’t you live without? Think carefully. You can choose five things. Explain in your book what they are and why you couldn’t live without them. You can draw each item too, if you want to.


If you liked the story (or even if you didn’t) I think you’ll love this version. It’s much shorter and very different. Give it a try.


We'll come back to The Tempest next week.



Task 2 - Keep going with those maths vids or take a break from them today and play a range of maths games instead. You could have a go at: Daily10, TT Rockstars, Mangahigh, the time games in the link on the home-page or the other games in the sub-page.



Task 3 - We've done some science and some art so far this week so I thought we would do a bit of geography today with this BBC Bitesize lesson on maps



Optional Task - Guess which four villains Archie H combined when creating his own. I'll give you the answers on Monday :-)


Have a great day and a fabulous weekend :-) 

