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Spring Term Topics

Maths - This term we will be looking at Place Value within 20, Addition and Subtraction within 20, Length and height and Mass and volumne. 


English - We will start the term by exploring the story 'The last wolf.'  Later in the term we will be focussing on poetry, instructions and information texts.   


In History we will be studying 'Florence Nightingale' and 'Mary Seacole' and learning about how they contributed to national and international events.


As part of our Geography work we will be studying our local area and the changes in weather between the  seasons of Spring and Summer. 


During Computing sessions we will be learning about Coding, Software and Hardware.  


During PSHE we will learn about 'How can we look after each other and the world' and 'What we can do with money.' 


PE sessions will work on developing our Gymnastic skills, Invasion games and Net and Wall skills.


In RE this term we are learning about key Jewish festivals including, Shabbat and Pesach (Passover)


In Art we are studying the work of Paul Klee, expression opinions about which pieces we like and learning to include moods in our artwork.


Science this term is all about materials: what different kinds their are, what do we mean by their 'properties' and how to choose the right material for the right job.
