Home Page


Welcome to Class Bestwood!


Our teachers are Mrs Gillett and Mrs Sawford.

Our teaching assistants are Miss Edwards and Mrs Levi. 


With school currently closed to the majority of you, we are updating Tapestry with some ideas about things to do over the Easter holiday- we miss you and love seeing all you have been busy doing!


With children spending a bit more time on devices, you may be needing a bit of direction with ONLINE SAFETY.

Think U Know (from the CEOPS team) have produced a set of materials for you to do at home around staying safe online. We use Think U Know resources in school. They are age appropriate and from a trusted source. However, they do take some time to navigate and prepare for in advance. 


Take a look at

they will be updating it every fortnight.

Just a few of our amazing April Fool jokes!

Still image for this video

Our beautiful flowers, aren't you a creative lot?!

Our fabulous Rainbows

Oi frog!

Still image for this video
We’re enjoying this story and wanted to share the silly rhymes!

Autumn transient art

Our P.E day is Thursday. Sometimes this can change if other things are happening school, so PLEASE try to have your P.E kits in school everyday (they can stay hanging up on your child's peg!). We will send them home each half term for a wash!

Make sure ALL of your child's clothes are named, P.E kits, jumpers, EVERYTHING (even socks, tights and plimsolls because you'll be surprised how they lose their owners!). We make every effort to ensure each child has the correct belongings at the end of each P.E session.

Forest School is on a Wednesday . We will probably be going as half a class so the children will be going every other week. Please send your child with a waterproof jacket, trousers and wellies. It would be best if Forest School outfits could be kept in school all week. We will send it home if it gets muddy or wet.
