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Week 2

Good morning all, I hope you are all well and have had a fab weekend and are now looking forward to the different activities this week. The learning timetable for each week will continue to be on the school website alongside some of the daily resources but I have also started to put some learning tasks on TEAMS as Assignments. You can upload the learning you complete within the assignments section where I will be able to give individual feedback. The actual assignments will not become visible on TEAMS until 7:00 a.m. on the morning you will need them (I hope this works as I have not done this before - again fingers are crossed).   I hope that this is OK but if you do have any difficulties please get in touch and I will do my utmost to help. Have a great week everybody and I look forward to seeing you at 10:00 on Monday 11th January.

English PaG Task is on TEAMS Assignments.
English - Reading VIPERS resources are on TEAMS.
English - Writing 'The Dragon Slayer' resources are on TEAMS.